6月12日 世界的罪担
The Sins of the World, June 12
“哪知祂为我们的过犯受害,为我们的罪孽压伤;因祂受的刑罚我们得平安;因祂受的鞭伤我们得医治”(赛53:5)。{AG 171.1}[1]
He was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.Isaiah 53:5.{AG 171.1}[1]
有些人对救赎的理解十分有限。他们以为基督只忍受了上帝律法刑罚的一小部分;他们认为在上帝爱子感到上帝的忿怒,经受所有各种痛苦之时,仍有天父之爱与悦纳的保证;在祂面前的墓门有光明的指望照耀着,并且在祂心中有那未来荣耀的长存证据。这真是一种大错误。基督那时最切心的痛楚,就是感到天父已不喜悦祂了。祂因为这种感觉而起的精神痛苦是极其深切的,以致人所能明了的只是极其微末。{AG 171.2}[2]
Some have limited views of the atonement. They think that Christ suffered only a small portion of the penalty of the law of God; they suppose that, while the wrath of God was felt by His dear Son, He had, through all His painful sufferings, the evidence of His Father’s love and acceptance; that the portals of the tomb before Him were illuminated with bright hope, and that He had the abiding evidence of His future glory. Here is a great mistake. Christ’s keenest anguish was a sense of His Father’s displeasure. His mental agony because of this was of such intensity that man can have but faint conception of it.{AG 171.2}[2]
许多人对于我们神圣之主的屈尊、谦卑与牺牲的故事,并没有产生较比那些为耶稣殉道之人的史实深切的兴趣……。许多人受慢慢的酷刑致死,也有些人是被钉死在十字架上。上帝爱子的死与这些人的死有何不同呢?……如果基督的苦难只限于肉身的痛苦,那么祂的死也就不比其他殉道者的死更痛苦了。然而肉身的痛苦不过是上帝爱子所受的痛苦之一小部分而已。世人的罪压在祂身上,同时祂也遭受到干犯律法的刑罚,身感天父之怒。这一切使祂神圣的心灵被压碎了。……那使上帝与世人因罪而有的隔离,这位无辜受苦的“髑髅地之人”此时深切地体会到了。祂受到黑暗权势的压迫,毫无一线之光以照明前途。……在这个黑暗可怕的时辰中,天父向祂掩面,大队的恶使者围逼着祂,世人的罪重重地压在祂身上,以致从祂口中发出了痛苦的呼声:“我的上帝,我的上帝,为什么离弃我”(太27:46)?……{AG 171.3}[3]
With many the story of the condescension, humiliation, and sacrifice of our divine Lord awakens no deeper interest ... than does the history of the death of the martyrs of Jesus. Many have suffered death by slow tortures; others have suffered death by crucifixion. In what does the death of God’s dear Son differ from these ... If the sufferings of Christ consisted in physical pain alone, then His death was no more painful than that of some of the martyrs. But bodily pain was but a small part of the agony of God’s dear Son. The sins of the world were upon Him, also the sense of His Father’s wrath as He suffered the penalty of the law transgressed. It was these that crushed His divine soul.... The separation that sin makes between God and man was fully realized and keenly felt by the innocent, suffering Man of Calvary. He was oppressed by the powers of darkness. He had not one ray of light to brighten the future.... It was in this terrible hour of darkness, the face of His Father hidden, legions of evil angels enshrouding Him, the sins of the world upon Him, that the words were wrenched from His lips: “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” ...{AG 171.3}[3]
一切事物若与永生大计相比较,就都要沦为毫无意义的了。(2T.213-215){AG 171.4}[4]
In comparison with the enterprise of everlasting life, every other sinks into insignificance.21{AG 171.4}[4]
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