7月29日 五旬节的能力
Pentecostal Power, July 29
“使徒大有能力,见证主耶稣复活,众人也都蒙大恩”(徒4:33)。{AG 218.1}[1]
And with great power gave the apostles witness of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus: and great grace was upon them all.Acts 4:33.{AG 218.1}[1]
在五旬节那一天,圣灵沛降的结果是什么呢?就是救主复活的喜信传遍天下。当门徒宣讲救恩的福音时,许多人的心就顺服了这信息的能力。教会眼见悔改的人从各处蜂涌而至。冷淡退后的人又重新悔改了。罪人与信徒联合起来一同去寻找那重价的珍珠。一些强烈反对福音的人,变成福音的捍卫者。……那时每一个基督徒都从弟兄身上看到上帝眷爱和慈悲的显示。在门徒中间只有一个志趣,只有一个竞争的目标,而且这个目标淹没了一切。信徒们的唯一志向就是显示与基督相似的品格,并为扩大祂的国度而努力。{AG 218.2}[2]
What was the result of the outpouring of the Spirit on the Day of Pentecost? The glad tidings of a risen Saviour were carried to the uttermost parts of the inhabited world. As the disciples proclaimed the message of redeeming grace, hearts yielded to the power of this message. The Church beheld converts flocking to her from all directions. Backsliders were reconverted. Sinners united with believers in seeking the pearl of great price. Some who had been the bitterest opponents of the gospel became its champions.... Every Christian saw in his brother a revelation of divine love and benevolence. One interest prevailed; one subject of emulation swallowed up all others. The ambition of the believers was to reveal the likeness of Christ’s character, and to labor for the enlargement of His kingdom.{AG 218.2}[2]
“使徒大有能力,见证主耶稣复活”(徒4:33)。……他们工作的结果使教会增添了许多蒙主拣选的人。他们既接受真理的道,便献身与主,为祂服务,把使他们内心充满平安与喜乐的盼望传给他人。他们不因任何威胁而止步不前或退避畏缩。既有主藉着他们说话,他们就周流各处,将福音传给贫穷的人,并施行上帝恩典的奇迹。这就是上帝在人们献身受圣灵管理之后所能行的大事。{AA 48}{AG 218.3}[3]
“With great power gave the apostles witness....” Under their labors were added to the church chosen men, who, receiving the word of truth, consecrated their lives to the work of giving to others the hope that filled their hearts with peace and joy. They could not be restrained or intimidated by threatenings. The Lord spoke through them, and as they went from place to place, the poor had the gospel preached to them, and miracles of divine grace were wrought. So mightily can God work when men give themselves up to the control of His Spirit.81{AG 218.3}[3]
圣灵的应许,在今日是属于我们的,正如属于早期的门徒一样。上帝今日也要将上头来的能力赐给男女信徒,就像衪在五旬节赐给那些听从救恩之道的人那样。衪的灵和衪的恩典此时此刻要赐给一切需要它们并愿意听从衪话语的人。……{AG 218.4}[4]
To us today, as verily as to the first disciples, the promise of the Spirit belongs. God will today endow men and women with power from above, as He endowed those who on the Day of Pentecost heard the word of salvation. At this very hour His Spirit and His grace are for all who need them and will take Him at His word....{AG 218.4}[4]
那为上帝而发的热心,曾激发门徒们大有力量的为真理作见证。难道这种热心不也该令我们的心火热起来,决定去传讲救赎的大爱,以及基督和衪被钉的故事吗?难道现今上帝的灵就不因那恒切的祈祷而降临,使人充满能力好从事服务吗?{8T 20-22}{AG 218.5}[5]
Zeal for God moved the disciples to bear witness to the truth with mighty power. Should not this zeal fire our hearts with a determination to tell the story of redeeming love, of Christ and Him crucified? Is not the Spirit of God to come today, in answer to earnest, persevering prayer, and fill men with power for service??82{AG 218.5}[5]
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