7月30日 为此而祈求
Ask for It, July 30
“你们虽然不好,尚且知道拿好东西给儿女,何况天父,岂不更将圣灵给求祂的人吗”(路11:13)?{AG 219.1}[1]
If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children: how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him??Luke 11:13.{AG 219.1}[1]
我们的主有丰盛的恩典,强大的权能;祂必将这些恩赐充分地给予凡凭着信心到祂面前来的人。祂比父母把好东西给自己的儿女更愿将圣灵给求祂的人。……我们应当诚恳地祈求圣灵的沛降,正如门徒在五旬节那样。他们那时既需要圣灵,我们今日就更加需要了。道德的黑暗象柩衣一般遮盖大地。各种各式的假道、异端以及撒但的欺骗在将人的思想导入歧途。若缺少上帝的圣灵与权能,我们宣讲真理的努力就必归于徒然。{5T 157-158}{AG 219.2}[2]
Our Lord is rich in grace, mighty in power; He will abundantly bestow these gifts upon all who come to Him in faith.... We should pray as earnestly for the descent of the Holy Spirit as the disciples prayed on the day of Pentecost. If they needed it at that time, we need it more today. Moral darkness, like a funeral pall, covers the earth. All manner of false doctrines, heresies, and satanic deceptions are misleading the minds of men. Without the Spirit and power of God it will be in vain that we labor to present the truth.83{AG 219.2}[2]
使徒们靠赖基督的恩典成就了丰功伟绩。真诚的献身与谦卑恳切的祈祷,使他们与祂有亲密的联络。他们与祂一同坐在天上。他们感悟到自己欠了祂巨大的债。凭着诚恳恒切的祈祷,他们获得了圣灵的赐予,于是便出去,负着救灵的重担。……难道我们的热心要不如使徒们吗?{7T 32}{AG 219.3}[3]
By the grace of Christ the apostles were made what they were. It was sincere devotion and humble, earnest prayer that brought them into close communion with Him. They sat together with Him in heavenly places. They realized the greatness of their debt to Him. By earnest, persevering prayer they obtained the endowment of the Holy Spirit, and then they went forth, weighted with the burden of saving souls.... Shall we be less earnest than were the apostles??84{AG 219.3}[3]
圣灵既然是我们获得能力的媒介,我们为什么不如饥似渴地追求圣灵的恩赐呢?我们为什么不谈论祂,不为此而祷告,不在讲道时强调这题目呢?……每一个工人应当天天受圣灵的洗,向主献上祷告。一队一队的福音工作者应当聚集,为这特别的帮助和属天的智慧祈求,好使他们知道如何聪明地计划并实施圣工。{AA 50}{AG 219.4}[4]
Since this is the means by which we are to receive power, why do we not hunger and thirst for the gift of the Spirit? Why do we not talk of it, pray for it, and preach concerning it? ... For the daily baptism of the Spirit, every worker should offer his petition to God. Companies of Christian workers should gather to ask for special help for heavenly wisdom, that they may know how to plan and execute wisely.85{AG 219.4}[4]
Day after day is passing into eternity, bringing us nearer to the close of probation. As never before we must pray for the Holy Spirit to be more abundantly bestowed upon us, and we must look for its sanctifying influence to come upon the workers....{AG 219.5}[5]
受上帝的灵感化的人不会狂热。他们是镇静而稳定的。他们的思想和言行不会过分。上帝的圣灵要在假道的混乱中,作一切不抗拒真理之人的向导和盾牌,止息一切不出于真理之源的声音。{GW 288,289}{AG 219.5}[6]
Those who are under the influence of the Spirit of God will not be fanatical, but calm and steadfast, free from extravagance in thought, word, or deed. Amid the confusion of delusive doctrines, the Spirit of God will be a guide and a shield to those who have not resisted the evidences of truth, silencing every other voice but that which comes from Him who is the truth.86{AG 219.6}[6]
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