1月21日 主的军队
The Army of the Lord, January 21
“所以要拿起上帝所赐的全副军装,好在磨难的日子抵挡仇敌,并且成就了一切还能站立得住”(弗6:13)。{AG 29.1}[1]
Take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.Ephesians 6:13.{AG 29.1}[1]
军队的力量大部分取决于士兵的勇猛精干。所以凡是精明的将领,必要吩咐他的军官,训练部下每个士兵服好现役。他必设法使他每一个部下的效率发挥到淋漓尽致的地步。如果他单是依靠军队中的官长,就决不能指望打一场胜仗。他所依靠的应该是全军每个人忠诚不懈地工作,所以胜败的责任,大半压在全军士兵的身上。{AG 29.2}[2]
The strength of an army is measured largely by the efficiency of the men in the ranks. A wise general instructs his officers to train every soldier for active service. He seeks to develop the highest efficiency on the part of all. If he were to depend on his officers alone he could never expect to conduct a successful campaign. He counts on loyal and untiring service from every man in his army. The responsibility rests largely upon the men in the ranks.{AG 29.2}[2]
和平之君以马内利的军队,也未尝不是如此。我们战无不胜的元帅,也要依靠凡来投在衪旗帜下的每一个人甘心乐意的忠诚服务。在这善恶两军最后交锋之时,祂希望每一个人,无论平信徒、传道人,全都投入战斗。凡应募作衪士兵的人都要有重大的责任感,忠心尽职,象随时应召的志愿兵一样。{9T 116.2}{AG 29.3}[3]
And so it is in the army of Prince Immanuel. Our General, who has never lost a battle, expects willing, faithful service from everyone who has enlisted under His banner. In the closing controversy now waging between the forces for good and the hosts of evil He expects all, laymen as well as ministers, to take part. All who have enlisted as His soldiers are to render faithful service as minutemen, with a keen sense of the responsibility resting upon them individually.39{AG 29.3}[3]
参军的人不能个个都作将军,校官,士官,甚至上等兵。不是每个人都担负领袖的责任。此外还有别的艰苦工作要做。有的必须掘壕筑垒,有的必须站岗放哨,有的必须传递信息。军中的官长虽然只有几位,却需要许多士兵,才能组成队伍,然而全军的胜利,则有赖于每个士兵的忠心。一个人的胆怯或不忠,往往能造成全军的不幸。{AG 29.4}[4]
All who enter the army are not to be generals, captains, sergeants, or even corporals. All have not the care and responsibility of leaders. There is hard work of other kinds to be done. Some must dig trenches and build fortifications; some are to stand as sentinels, some to carry messages. While there are but few officers, it requires many soldiers to form the rank and file of the army; yet its success depends upon the fidelity of every soldier. One man’s cowardice or treachery may bring disaster upon the entire army.{AG 29.4}[4]
我们若要打那美好信心的仗,每一个人都有一番认真的工作要做。永恒的福利正危如累卵。我们务须穿戴全副公义的军装,我们务须抵挡魔鬼。我们也有确切的应许,说明他必致战败逃跑。教会应当发动进攻,为基督去打胜仗,拯救生灵脱离仇敌的权势。上帝与圣天使也都参与这场战争。但愿我们得蒙那位召我们当兵之主的喜悦。{5T 394,395}{AG 29.5}[5]
There is earnest work to be done by us individually if we would fight the good fight of faith. Eternal interests are at stake. We must put on the whole armor of righteousness, we must resist the devil, and we have the sure promise that he will be put to flight. The church is to conduct an aggressive warfare, to make conquests for Christ, to rescue souls from the power of the enemy. God and holy angels are engaged in this warfare. Let us please Him who has called us to be soldiers.40{AG 29.5}[5]
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