8月7日 使世人知道
Chapter. 219—That the World May Know, August 7
“耶和华说:你们是我的见证,我也是上帝”(赛43:12)。{AG 227.1}[1]
Ye are my witnesses, saith the Lord, that I am God.Isaiah 43:12.{AG 227.1}[1]
一个活的基督徒必定作出活的见证。你如果步步跟随耶稣,就会用合适的语言描述祂引导你所走的道路。你能讲述自己是怎样试验过祂的应许,发现那应许是可靠的。你会指出自己经验中的亮点,而无须追述多年前的经历。但愿我们更多地听见有关内心斗争和胜利的简明诚恳的见证。……{AG 227.2}[2]
A living Christian will have a living testimony to bear. If you have been following Jesus step by step, you will have something right to the point to relate of the way He has led you. You can tell how you tested His promise, and found the promise true. You can point to the living spots in your experience, without going back for years into the past. Would that we could oftener hear the simple, earnest testimony of heart conflicts and victories....{AG 227.2}[2]
每一位真基督徒都有一场战斗要参加。他不但要认同真理的原则,还要实行出来。……我们救恩的元帅要求新近从战场而来的见证。那些曾受到真理之敌和人类大敌的猛烈袭击,而效法耶稣受试炼时榜样的人,必定作出动人心弦的见证。他们真正是耶稣的见证人。{RH.1881.12.20}{AG 227.3}[3]
Every true Christian will have a battle to fight to practice the principles of truth as well as to assent to them.... The Captain of our salvation calls for witnesses fresh from the field of action. Those who have been fiercely assaulted by the enemies of truth and the adversary of souls, and who have conducted themselves as did Jesus in His hour of trial, will have a testimony to bear which will thrill the hearts of the hearers. They will indeed be witnesses for Jesus.20{AG 227.3}[3]
我们常常意识不到榜样的力量。我们与人接触,遇到犯错误,做了各种坏事的人。这等人可能令人生厌,性情暴躁、易怒、专横。在与他们交往时,我们必须忍耐、宽容、友善、温和。……我们大家都不免要遭遇试炼与困惑,因为我们处在一个充满牵挂、忧虑和失望的世界中。但是,我们必须以基督的精神去应付这些接踵而来的烦恼。靠着祂的恩典,我们可以超越环境,在日常生活的磨难和烦恼中保持心境的平静与安宁。我们就这样在世人面前表显基督。{OHC 243}{AG 227.4}[4]
We do not always realize the power of example. We are brought in contact with others. We meet persons who are erring, who do wrong in various ways; they may be disagreeable, quick, passionate, dictatorial. While dealing with these we must be patient, forbearing, kind, and gentle.... There are trials and perplexities for us all to encounter; for we are in a world of cares, anxieties, and disappointments. But these continual annoyances must be met in the spirit of Christ. Through grace we may rise superior to our surroundings, and keep our spirits calm and unruffled amid the frets and worries of everyday life. We shall thus represent Christ to the World.21{AG 227.4}[4]
基督拯救这个世界,不是靠与世俗同流,而是向世界显示上帝改变人心的恩典,按照祂品格的样式塑造和陶冶人的品格。{SD 123}{AG 227.5}[5]
Christ sought to save the world, not by conformity to it, but by revealing to the world the transforming power of the grace of God to mold and fashion the human character after the likeness of the character of Christ.22{AG 227.5}[5]
基督的恩典要给接受的人在生活和品格中带来神奇的变化。我们如果真是基督的门徒,世人就必看见上帝的大能在我们身上的运作;因为我们虽然在世上,却不属世界。{ML 252}{AG 227.6}[6]
The grace of Christ is to work a wonderful transformation in the life and character of its receiver; and if we are truly the disciples of Christ, the world will see that divine power has done something for us; for while we are in the world, we shall not be of it.23{AG 227.6}[6]
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