8月16日 塑造品格
Fashions the Character, August 16
“你们既作顺命的儿女,就不要效法从前蒙昧无知的时候那放纵私欲的样子。那召你们的既是圣洁,你们在一切所行的事上也要圣洁”(彼前1:14-15)。{AG 236.1}[1]
As obedient children, not fashioning yourselves according to the former lusts in your ignorance: but as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy.1 Peter 1:14, 15.{AG 236.1}[1]
基督恩典的变化之能,要陶冶那献身于上帝工作的人。他既被救赎主的灵充满,就准备要舍己,准备背起十字架来,准备为主作任何的牺牲了。他不再对四周行将沦亡的生灵漠不关心。他已蒙提拔不再侍奉自我了。他在基督里已是新造的人,侍奉自我在他的人生中毫无地位了。他认识到自己生命的每一部分,都属于那位救赎他脱离罪恶奴役的主基督;他将来的每时每刻,也都是用上帝独生子的宝血所买来的。{7T 9,10}{AG 236.2}[2]
The transforming power of Christ’s grace molds the one who gives himself to God’s service. Imbued with the Spirit of the Redeemer, he is ready to deny self, ready to take up the cross, ready to make any sacrifice for the Master. No longer can he be indifferent to the souls perishing around him. He is lifted above self-serving. He has been created anew in Christ, and self-serving has no place in his life. He realizes that every part of his being belongs to Christ, who has redeemed him from the slavery of sin; that every moment of his future has been bought with the precious lifeblood of God’s only-begotten Son.44{AG 236.2}[2]
基督是我们的榜样。跟随基督的人不会在黑暗里行走,因为他们不求自己的喜悦。荣耀上帝是他们终生的目标。基督向世人表显上帝的品德。主耶稣的行事为人使世人不得不承认祂所行的一切都甚好。世界的救赎主原是世上的光,因为祂的品格毫无瑕疵。祂虽是上帝的独生子,承受天上地下的万有,却没有留下懒惰与放任的榜样。……{AG 236.3}[3]
Christ is our pattern, and those who follow Christ will not walk in darkness, for they will not seek their own pleasure. To glorify God will be the continual aim of their life. Christ represented the character of God to the world. The Lord Jesus so conducted His life that men were compelled to acknowledge that He had done all things well. The world’s Redeemer was the light of the world, for His character was without fault. Though He was the only begotten Son of God, and the heir of all things in heaven and earth, He did not leave an example of indolence and self-indulgence....{AG 236.3}[3]
基督从来不奉承任何人,不欺骗讹诈任何人,也不偏离祂绝对正直的道路,以博取人的好感与称赞。祂始终讲说实话。仁慈的法则常祂的嘴上。祂口中全无诡诈。但愿人能将自己的人生与基督的生活相比,靠着耶稣赐给接受祂为个人救主之人的恩典,达到仁义的标准。……跟从基督的人必须时时仰望那使人自由的全备律法,藉着基督赐给他们的恩典,按照上帝的要求塑造品格。{TMK 156}{AG 236.4}[4]
Christ never flattered any one. He never deceived or defrauded, never changed His course of straightforward uprightness to obtain favor or applause. He ever expressed the truth. The law of kindness was in His lips, and there was no guile in His mouth. Let the human agent compare his life with the life of Christ, and through the grace which Jesus imparts to those who make Him their personal Saviour, reach the standard of righteousness.... Those who follow Christ will be continually looking into the perfect law of liberty, and through the grace given them by Christ, will fashion the character according to the divine requirements.45{AG 236.4}[4]
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