9月9日 全备的恩典
All-Sufficient, September 9
“我儿啊,你要在基督耶稣的恩典上刚强起来”(提后2:1)。{AG 260.1}[1]
Thou therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus.2 Timothy 2:1.{AG 260.1}[1]
在保罗对提摩太所说的话中,包含着对我们现今极为重要的教训。他嘱咐提摩太要“刚强起来”──是靠着他自己的智慧吗?──不!乃是“要在基督耶稣的恩典上”。凡愿意跟随基督的人不可倚仗自己的才能,或者信靠自己。他也不可在宗教活动中作不健全的人,逃避责任,在上帝的圣工上毫无效能。……基督徒若认识到自己的软弱无能,完全信靠上帝,就会发现基督的恩典足够应付每一次危机。{AG 260.2}[2]
The lessons contained in the words of Paul to Timothy are of the greatest importance to us today. He charges him to “be strong”—in his own wisdom?—No, but “in the grace that is in Christ Jesus.” He who would be a follower of Christ is not to rely upon his own capabilities, or to feel confident in himself. Neither is he to be dwarfed in his religious efforts, to shun responsibilities, and remain inefficient in the cause of God.... If the Christian feels his weakness, his inability, by putting his trust in God, he will find the grace of Christ sufficient for every emergency.{AG 260.2}[2]
基督的战士会遭遇各种试探。务要抗拒并战胜这些试探。战斗越剧烈,恩典的供应也就越充分,以满足人的需要。……真正的基督徒会理解经历严峻斗争和艰难的意义。然而他会在基督的恩典上不住地长进,成功地对付他心灵的仇敌。……黑暗有时会压在他心头;但真光必要照耀。公义日头辉煌的光线必驱散黑暗;……靠着基督的恩典,他必能忠心地见证他从上帝所启示的使者那里所听到的一切。……基督的工人就是这样将真理传给别人,更清晰地认识到给予众人的丰富预备,知道基督的恩典足够应付每一次斗争、忧伤和试炼。藉着奥秘的救赎计划,已经准备好恩典,人不完美的工作,靠着我们中保耶稣的圣名而得蒙悦纳。{AG 260.3}[3]
The soldier of Christ must meet many forms of temptation, and resist and overcome them. The fiercer the conflict, the greater the supply of grace to meet the need of the soul.... The true Christian will understand what it means to pass through severe conflicts and trying experiences; but he will steadily increase in the grace of Christ to meet successfully the enemy of his soul.... The darkness will press upon his soul at times; but the true light will shine, the bright beams of the Sun of righteousness will dispel the gloom; and ... through the grace of Christ he will be enabled to be a faithful witness of the things which he has heard from the inspired messenger of God.... By thus communicating truth to others, the worker for Christ obtains a clearer view of the abundant provisions made for all, of the sufficiency of the grace of Christ for every time of conflict, sorrow, and trial. Through the mysterious plan of redemption, grace has been provided, so that the imperfect work of the human agent may be accepted in the name of Jesus our Advocate.{AG 260.3}[3]
人的力量是渺小的。他虽然尽了最大的努力,仍只能取得一点点成就。……上帝是无所不能的。我们每当需要祂帮助,并本着诚意寻求的时候,就会获得帮助。上帝在祂的圣言中保证在你最痛苦、最需要的时候向你提供祂充足的恩典。基督必作你随时的帮助,只要你愿意领受祂的恩典。{RH.1896.6.16}{AG 260.4}[4]
Man has little power, and can accomplish but a small work at his very best.... God is omnipotent, and at every point where we need divine help and seek for it in sincerity, it will be given. God has pledged His word that His grace will be sufficient for you in your greatest necessity, in your sorest distress. Christ will be to you a present help if you will appropriate His grace.21{AG 260.4}[4]
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