9月10日 应付今日的需要
For Today’s Need, September 10
“你的日子如何,你的力量也必如何”(申33:25)。{AG 261.1}[1]
As thy days, so shall thy strength be.Deuteronomy 33:25.{AG 261.1}[1]
主的应许并不是今天要赐给我们应付日后危机的力量,事先解决想象中的未来困难。我们如果凭着信心行事为人,就可以期待获得力量和供给,随时应付环境的需要。我们要凭着信心,而不是凭着眼见而生活。主对我们所作的安排是:凡我们所需要的,都要向祂求。明日所需要的恩典,不会今日供应。人的需要是上帝的机会。……上帝的恩惠绝不供人浪费或妄用,任其荒废朽坏。{AG 261.2}[2]
The promise is not that we will have strength today for a future emergency, that anticipated future trouble will be provided for beforehand, before it comes to us. We may, if we walk by faith, expect strength and provision for us as fast as our circumstances demand it. We live by faith, not by sight. The Lord’s arrangement is for us to ask Him for the very things that we need. The grace of tomorrow will not be given today. Men’s necessity is God’s opportunity.... The grace of God is never given to be squandered, to be misapplied or perverted, or to be left to rust with disuse....{AG 261.2}[2]
当你天天怀着敬爱上帝的心,如同孝顺的儿女存谦卑的心承担责任时,必获得上帝所赐的力量和智慧,以应付每一艰难的境遇。……{AG 261.3}[3]
While you are bearing daily responsibilities in the love and fear of God, as obedient children walking in all humility of mind, strength and wisdom from God will be given to meet every trying circumstance....{AG 261.3}[3]
我们要每天亲近我们力量的源头。当仇敌好象急流的河水冲来时,耶和华的气必将他们驱逐(赛59:19)。上帝的应许是可靠的:我们的日子如何,我们的力量也必如何。我们只有靠着为现在的需要而赐下的力量,才能对未来充满信心。……不要为将来忧虑。我们有需要的乃是今日。{OHC 125}{AG 261.4}[4]
We are to keep close to the Source of our strength day by day, and when the enemy comes in like a flood the Spirit of the Lord lifts up a standard for us against the enemy. The promise of God is sure, that strength shall be proportioned to our day. We may be confident for the future only in the strength that is given for the present necessities.... Do not borrow anxiety for the future. It is today that we are in need.22{AG 261.4}[4]
许多人却因预期未来的苦难,以致累倒了。他们时常想把明天的担子也搬到今天来挑。这样,他们的磨难,有一大半都是凭空幻想的。对于这些想象的苦恼,耶稣并未作何预备。祂应许的恩典只是为当天而用。祂吩咐我们不要担上明天的挂虑及苦恼。……{AG 261.5}[5]
Many are weighed down by the anticipation of future troubles. They are constantly seeking to bring tomorrow’s burdens into today. Thus a large share of all their trials are imaginary. For these, Jesus has made no provision. He promises grace only for the day. He bids us not to burden ourselves with the cares and troubles of tomorrow....{AG 261.5}[5]
主要我们履行今天的本分,忍受今天的磨炼。我们应当在今天留意自己不要在言行上犯罪。我们应当今天赞美及尊荣上帝。我们应当今天运用活泼的信心,战胜仇敌。我们必须今天寻求上帝,并决定若无祂同在就必不满足。我们应当警醒,工作和祷告,好像今天就是所赐给我们的最后一天。这样,我们的生活就要变成何等的热切!我们也要在一切的言行上,多么亲切跟从耶稣啊!{5T 200}{AG 261.6}[6]
The Lord requires us to perform the duties of today and to endure its trials. We are today to watch that we offend not in word or deed. We must today praise and honor God. By the exercise of living faith today we are to conquer the enemy. We must today seek God and be determined that we will not rest satisfied without His presence. We should watch and work and pray as though this were the last day that would be granted us. How intensely earnest, then, would be our life. How closely would we follow Jesus in all our words and deeds.23{AG 261.6}[6]
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