9月18日 青少年也需要
The Youth Need It, September 18
“主耶和华啊,祢是我所盼望的;从我年幼祢是我所倚靠的”(诗71:5)。{AG 269.1}[1]
Thou art my hope, O Lord God: thou art my trust from my youth.Psalm 71:5.{AG 269.1}[1]
我们中间有许多男女青年不是不知道我们的信仰。但他们的心一直没有被上帝的恩典所感动。我们自命为上帝仆人的人,岂可日复一日,周复一周,不注意他们的境况呢?他们若是未得警告而死于罪恶之中,上帝必要向那不警戒他们的守望者追讨他们的血债。{AG 269.2}[2]
There are among us many young men and women who are not ignorant of our faith, yet whose hearts have never been touched by the power of divine grace. How can we who claim to be the servants of God pass on day after day, week after week, indifferent to their condition? If they should die in their sins, unwarned, their blood would be required at the hands of the watchmen who failed to give them warning.{AG 269.2}[2]
我们为什么不把为我们范围里的青年作工,看作是最高尚的布道工作呢?这项工作需要最细心的机智,最留心的体贴和最诚恳地祈求天上的智慧。青年是撒但特别攻击的目标。但人若心中充满了基督的爱,洋溢出仁慈、礼让及同情来,就必博得他们的信任,并拯救他们脱离仇敌的许多网罗。{AG 269.3}[3]
Why should not labor for the youth in our borders be regarded as missionary work of the highest kind? It requires the most delicate tact, the most watchful consideration, the most earnest prayer for heavenly wisdom. The youth are the objects of Satan’s special attacks; but kindness, courtesy, and the sympathy which flows from a heart filled with love to Jesus, will gain their confidence, and save them from many a snare of the enemy.{AG 269.3}[3]
青年所需要的,不只是偶然的关注,对他们说几句鼓励的话,而是需要辛苦、虔诚和审慎的工作。……我们往往以貌取人而忽略了一些人,其实他们中间有最优秀的人才可以担任传道人。他们会使为之付出努力的人得到回报。{GW 207,208}{AG 269.4}[4]
The youth need more than a casual notice, more than an occasional word of encouragement. They need painstaking, prayerful, careful labor.... Often those whom we pass by with indifference, because we judge them from outward appearance, have in them the best material for workers, and will repay all the efforts bestowed on them.45{AG 269.4}[4]
基督复临安息日会的父母,应当更充分地认识建造品格的职责。上帝把一个特权摆在他们面前,就是借着他们儿女的献身和服务,来推进祂的事工。上帝希望看见从我们家中,有许多青年人出来,由于家中敬虔的影响,而甘心顺服祂,将自己一生最高的服务奉献给祂。这样,由于家庭敬虔教训的训练,由于早晚敬拜的影响,以及他们的爱上帝,并敬畏祂之父母一贯的榜样,他们已学到以上帝为他们的导师。他们已经准备好作忠心的儿女,将蒙祂悦纳的服务献给祂。这样的青年,已经预备好将基督的大能和恩典,传送给全世界。{CT 131}{AG 269.5}[5]
Seventh-day Adventist parents should more fully realize their responsibilities as character builders. God places before them the privilege of strengthening His cause through the consecration and labors of their children. He desires to see gathered out from the homes of our people a large company of youth who, because of the godly influences of their homes, have surrendered their hearts to Him, and go forth to give Him the highest service of their lives. Directed and trained by the godly instruction of the home, the influence of the morning and evening worship, the consistent example of parents who love and fear God, they have learned to submit to God as their Teacher, and are prepared to render Him acceptable service as loyal sons and daughters. Such youth are prepared to represent to the world the power and grace of Christ.46{AG 269.5}[5]
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