9月24日 震撼世界的能力
Power to Shake the World, September 24
“真实的道理,上帝的大能;仁义的兵器在左在右”(林后6:7)。{AG 275.1}[1]
By the word of truth, by the power of God, by the armour of righteousness on the right hand and on the left.2 Corinthians 6:7.{AG 275.1}[1]
基督所交给门徒的使命,他们终于完成了。当这些十字架的使者出去宣讲福音的时候,人们所看到上帝荣耀的显现乃是血肉之体的人类所从来没有见过的。使徒们靠着上帝圣灵的合作,竟成就了一番震动全世界的工作。在一个世代之内,福音传遍了各国。{AG 275.2}[2]
The commission that Christ gave to the disciples, they fulfilled. As these messengers of the cross went forth to proclaim the gospel, there was such a revelation of the glory of God as had never before been witnessed by mortal man. By the cooperation of the divine Spirit, the apostles did a work that shook the world. To every nation was the gospel carried in a single generation.{AG 275.2}[2]
那随着基督所拣选使徒之工作的成效是光荣的。在他们开始工作的时候,他们中间有一些原是没有学问的人,但他们对于他们夫子事业的献身是毫无保留的,所以在祂的指导之下,他们有了充分的准备去负起所分派给他们的伟大工作。有恩惠与真理在他们的心中作主,激励他们的动机,并控制他们的行动。他们的“生命与基督一同藏在上帝里面”,所以自我已经埋没在无限慈爱的深渊里,不再受人注意了。……上帝的智慧与能力──耶稣基督——乃是他们每一次讲道的主题。……当他们宣讲了这位复活救主基督的完全美德时,他们的话打动了人心,男男女女都因而接受福音了。许多曾一度辱骂救主圣名并藐视祂权能的人,这时都承认自己是钉十字架之基督的门徒了。{AG 275.3}[3]
Glorious were the results that attended the ministry of the chosen apostles of Christ. At the beginning of their ministry some of them were unlearned men, but their consecration to the cause of their Master was unreserved, and under His instruction they gained a preparation for the great work committed to them. Grace and truth reigned in their hearts, inspiring their motives and controlling their actions. Their lives were hid with Christ in God, and self was lost sight of, submerged in the depths of infinite love.... Jesus Christ, the wisdom and power of God, was the theme of every discourse.... As they proclaimed the completeness of Christ, the risen Saviour, their words moved hearts, and men and women were won to the gospel. Multitudes who had reviled the Saviour’s name and despised His power, now confessed themselves disciples of the Crucified.{AG 275.3}[3]
使徒之所以能完成他们的使命,不是靠他们自己的能力,而是靠永生上帝的大能。……他们对于所负重大使命的责任感,提炼并丰富了他们的经验,结果上头来的恩典在他们为基督所获的胜利上显明了。上帝无穷的大能藉着他们使福音得胜。{AA 593-595}。{AG 275.4}[4]
Not in their own power did the apostles accomplish their mission, but in the power of the living God.... The consciousness of the responsibility resting on them purified and enriched their experience; and the grace of heaven was revealed in the conquests they achieved for Christ. With the might of omnipotence God worked through them to make the gospel triumphant.57{AG 275.4}[4]
基督从前怎样差遣祂的门徒出去传道,祂今日照样差遣祂教会中的信徒。使徒所领受的能力也是为他们预备的。只要他们能够以上帝为他们的力量,上帝就必“和他们同工”。他们的工作也决不至于枉然。他们务要认识到;他们所参加的工作乃是上帝所已经印证的。……上帝也吩咐我们出去宣讲祂所传给我们的话,并用祂的圣手按在我们的口上。{AA 599} {AG 275.5}[5]
As Christ sent forth His disciples, so today He sends forth the members of His church. The same power that the apostles had is for them. If they will make God their strength, He will work with them, and they shall not labor in vain. Let them realize that the work in which they are engaged is one upon which the Lord has placed His signet.... He bids us go forth to speak the words He gives us, feeling His holy touch upon our lips.58{AG 275.5}[5]
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