10月16日 躲避网罗
Snares to Shun, October 16
“因为凡世界上的事,就象肉体的情欲,眼目的情欲,并今生的骄傲,都不是从父来的,乃是从世界来的”(约壹2:16)。{AG 297.1}[1]
For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.1 John 2:16.{AG 297.1}[1]
骄傲和爱世界乃是陷阱,大大阻碍灵性和在恩典中长进。{AG 297.2}[2]
Pride and the love of the world are the snares which are so great a hindrance to spirituality and a growth in grace.{AG 297.2}[2]
这个世界不是基督徒的天国,它只是上帝的工场,我们在这里得以预备和圣洁天国里无罪的天使联合。我们应当不断地训练自己的心思想圣洁、高贵、无私的事。这种训练是必须的,可以操练上帝赐给我们的各项能力,最好地在地上荣耀祂的名。我们要为上帝赐给我们的一切高贵品质交账,我们若将这些才能用在祂从未计划我们去做的事上,就是向祂表现卑鄙的忘恩负义。侍奉上帝要求我们整个人的一切能力。我们若不使这些能力得到高度的培养,训练自己的心喜爱默想天上的事,并藉着用来荣耀上帝的正确行动加强提高心灵的活力,就不能实现上帝的计划。……{AG 297.3}[3]
This world is not the Christian’s heaven, but merely the workshop of God, where we are to be fitted up to unite with the sinless angels in a holy heaven. We should be constantly training the mind to noble, unselfish thoughts. This education is necessary to so bring into exercise the powers which God has given us that His name shall best be glorified upon the earth. We are accountable for all the noble qualities which God has given us, and to put these faculties to a use He never designed we should is showing base ingratitude to Him. The service of God demands all the powers of our being, and we fail of meeting the design of God unless we bring these powers to a high state of cultivation, and educate the mind to love to contemplate heavenly things, and strengthen and ennoble the energies of the soul by right actions, operating to the glory of God....{AG 297.3}[3]
心智若不受训练仔细研究宗教的题旨,就会在这方面软弱无力。但在细想属世的事业时,它又会很强;因为它已在这方面受了培养,且因运用而加强了。男男女女很难过虔诚生活的原因,是因为他们没有操练自己的心智至于敬虔,却使它在相反的方向受了训练。若不在获得属灵的知识和追求明白敬虔的奥秘上不断训练自己的心智,它就不能领略永恒的事。……人若分心,主要思想世上的事,很少思想上帝的事,属灵的力量就不可能有特别的增长。{2T.187-189}{AG 297.4}[4]
Unless the mind is educated to dwell upon religious themes, it will be weak and feeble in this direction. But while dwelling upon worldly enterprises, it will be strong; for in this direction it has been cultivated, and has strengthened with exercise. The reason it is so difficult for men and women to live religious lives is because they do not exercise the mind unto godliness. It is trained to run in an opposite direction. Unless the mind is constantly exercised in obtaining spiritual knowledge and in seeking to understand the mystery of godliness, it is incapable of appreciating eternal things.... When the heart is divided, dwelling principally upon things of the world, and but little upon the things of God, there can be no special increase of spiritual strength.37{AG 297.4}[4]
当世俗之徒殚精竭虑、野心勃勃地去获取属世财宝时,上帝的子民却不效法世界,反而藉自己恳切警醒等候的立场表明他们被改变了;他们的家乡不在这世界,他们在寻求一个更好的家乡,就是在天上的。{2T.194}{AG 297.5}[5]
While worldling are all earnestness and ambition to secure earthly treasure, God’s people are not conformed to the world, but show by their earnest, watching, waiting position that they are transformed; that their home is not in this world, but that they are seeking a better country, even a heavenly.38{AG 297.5}[5]
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