11月25日 收割
The Reaping, November 25
“要将祂极丰富的恩典,就是祂在基督耶稣里向我们所施的恩慈,显明给后来的世代看”(弗2:7)。{AG 337.1}[1]
That in the ages to come he might shew the exceeding riches of his grace in his kindness toward us through Christ Jesus.Ephesians 2:7.{AG 337.1}[1]
凡允许上帝的恩泽经过其心灵和生活流向别人的人,决不会得不到丰盛的报赏。……{AG 337.2}[2]
No one can give place in his own heart and life for the stream of God’s blessing to flow to others, without receiving in himself a rich reward....{AG 337.2}[2]
基督的恩典正在他心中培养与自私相反的品格,洁净,提高和丰富他的生活。暗中所行的善会必使人团结在一起,并吸引他们更加靠近主的慈怀。祂是一切慷慨之情的源泉。细微的关怀,小小的爱心和克己之举,从生活中默默流溢出来,犹如花卉的芳香,成为人生福惠和喜乐的主要成分。克己而造福他人之举,不论多么微不足道,终必在天上被承认为我们与荣耀的王联合的证据。祂本来富足,却为我们成了贫穷。{AG 337.3}[3]
The grace of Christ in the soul is developing traits of character that are the opposite of selfishness—traits that will refine, ennoble, and enrich the life. Acts of kindness performed in secret will bind hearts together, and will draw them closer to the heart of Him from whom every generous impulse springs. The little attentions, the small acts of love and self-sacrifice, that flow out from the life as quietly as the fragrance from a flower—these constitute no small share of the blessings and happiness of life. And it will be found at last that the denial of self for the good and happiness of others, however humble and uncommended here, is recognized in heaven as a token of our union with Him, the King of glory, who was rich, yet for our sake became poor.{AG 337.3}[3]
善行可能是在暗中进行的,但它对行善者的品格所产生的效果,却是无法隐藏的。如果我们全心全意地作基督的门徒,我们的心就会与上帝全然默契。上帝的灵运行在我们心里,必引发我们虔敬的和音,以回应祂神圣的触摸。{AG 337.4}[4]
The deeds of kindness may have been done in secret, but the result upon the character of the doer cannot be hidden. If we work with whole-hearted interest as a follower of Christ, the heart will be in close sympathy with God, and the Spirit of God, moving upon our spirit, will call forth the sacred harmonies of the soul in answer to the divine touch.{AG 337.4}[4]
上帝会把越来越多的才能赐给那些善用所托之才干的人。祂乐意承认一切信靠祂的子民在祂爱子里所作的服务。他们所做的,都是靠着基督的恩典和能力。凡努力通过善行运用自己的才干,培养和完善基督化品格的人,必在来生收割他们所播撒的。在地上所开始的工作,必在那更崇高更圣洁的生命中完成,直到永远。{MB 81-83}{AG 337.5}[5]
He who gives increased talents to those who have made a wise improvement of the gifts entrusted to them is pleased to acknowledge the service of His believing people in the Beloved, through whose grace and strength they have wrought. Those who have sought for the development and perfection of Christian character by exercising their faculties in good works, will, in the world to come, reap that which they have sown. The work begun upon earth will reach its consummation in that higher and holier life to endure throughout eternity.50{AG 337.5}[5]
那位“厚待一切求告祂的人”的主曾说:“你们要给人,就必有给你们的,……”(罗10:12;路6:38)。……人为上帝的工作,无论牺牲什么,必要照着“祂极丰富的恩典”得到报赏(弗3:20;2:7)。{DA 249}{AG 337.6}[6]
He who is “rich unto all that call upon him,” has said, “Give, and it shall be given unto you” ... (Romans 10:12;Luke 6:38).... Every sacrifice that is made in His ministry will be recompensed according to “the exceeding riches of his grace.”51{AG 337.6}[6]
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