2月24日 真理的管家
Stewards of Truth, February 24
“凡敬畏上帝的人,你们都来听;我要述说祂为我所行的事”(诗66:16)。{AG 63.1}[1]
Come and hear, all ye that fear God, and I will declare what he hath done for my soul.Psalm 66:16.{AG 63.1}[1]
无论在哪里,只要有生命,就必有增加和生长;在上帝的国里有不断的轮替交换——有受有施;从主那里领受并把属于主的归还与祂。上帝和每位真信徒合作,同时那信徒所领受的亮光和福惠,也要从他所做的工作上再度施予出去。他既这样分授自己所领受的,他那领受的容量也就增加了。在他分赠上天的恩赐时,他就腾出了地方,好让那从活水泉源发出的新鲜恩典与真理畅流到心灵里来。于是更大的光,增长了的知识和福惠,就都归与他了。教会的生命和发展,就在于移交给每位教友的这种工作。那种在生活上只顾领受而绝不施与的人,不久就必丧失所蒙的福惠。如果真理不从他那里流传给别人,他就丧失自己领受的容量了。我们若想拥有新的福惠,就必须分赠属天的财物。{6T 448}{AG 63.2}[2]
Wherever there is life, there is increase and growth; in God’s kingdom there is a constant interchange—taking in, and giving out; receiving, and returning to the Lord His own. God works with every true believer, and the light and blessings received are given out again in the work which the believer does. Thus the capacity for receiving is increased. As one imparts of the heavenly gifts, he makes room for fresh currents of grace and truth to flow into the soul from the living fountain. Greater light, increased knowledge and blessing, are his. In this work, which devolves upon every church member, is the life and growth of the church. He whose life consists in ever receiving and never giving, soon loses the blessing. If truth does not flow forth from him to others, he loses his capacity to receive. We must impart the goods of heaven if we desire fresh blessings.52{AG 63.2}[2]
真理的知识必要在传播的过程中增加。凡把福音信息接到心中的人,一定渴望把这信息传出去。那从天上来的对于基督的爱必须表达出来。那些披戴基督的人必要述说他们的经验,追溯述说圣灵如何一步步地引领他们——他们曾如饥似渴地要认识上帝和祂所差来的耶稣基督,查考圣经,祈求祷告,经受心灵的痛苦,最后听见基督对他们说:“你的罪赦了。”{AG 63.3}[3]
As the knowledge of truth is imparted, it will increase. All who receive the gospel message into the heart will long to proclaim it. The heaven-born love of Christ must find expression. Those who have put on Christ will relate their experience, tracing step by step the leadings of the Holy Spirit—their hungering and thirsting for the knowledge of God and of Jesus Christ whom He has sent, the results of their searching of the Scriptures, their prayers, their soul agony, and the words of Christ to them, “Thy sins be forgiven thee.”{AG 63.3}[3]
人若将这些事秘而不宣,乃是很不自然的,凡被基督的爱所充满的人绝不会这样。他们希望别人也得着这同样的福惠,因为主已经把真理托付给他们。当他们传讲上帝恩惠的财富时,必有越来越多基督的恩惠赐给他们。他们将有一颗像小孩子那样单纯而毫无保留的顺从之心。他们的心灵必要渴慕圣洁。必有越来越多的真理和恩典的财富向他们显示,并通过他们传给世人。{COL 125} {AG 63.4}[4]
It is unnatural for any to keep these things secret, and those who are filled with the love of Christ will not do so. In proportion as the Lord has made them the depositaries of sacred truth will be their desire that others shall receive the same blessing. And as they make known the rich treasures of God’s grace, more and still more of the grace of Christ will be imparted to them. They will have the heart of a little child in its simplicity and unreserved obedience. Their souls will pant after holiness and more and more of the treasures of truth and grace will be revealed to them to be given to the world.53{AG 63.4}[4]
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