2月23日 上帝恩赐的管家
Stewards of God’s Grace, February 23
“各人要照所得的恩赐彼此服侍,作上帝百般恩赐的好管家”(彼前4:10)。{AG 62.1}[1]
As every man hath received the gift, even so minister the same one to another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.1 Peter 4:10.{AG 62.1}[1]
上帝恩典的知识,圣经的真理,以及今生的各样恩赐,──光阴和金钱、才干和感化力,──都是上帝所委托要用来荣神救人的。在一位不断地施恩给人的上帝看来,人若自私自利地垄断这些恩赐,而毫无报答给施舍的主,那真是再没有比这更冒渎可憎的了。耶稣现今在天上为一切爱祂的人预备居所;不但是居所,而且是一个要属于我们的国度。凡要承受这些福气的人,就当在造福别人这件事上,与基督克己牺牲的精神有份。{AG 62.2}[2]
The knowledge of God’s grace, the truths of His Word, and temporal gifts as well—time and means, talents and influence—are all a trust from God to be employed to His glory and the salvation of men. Nothing can be more offensive to God, who is constantly bestowing His gifts upon man, than to see him selfishly grasping these gifts and making no returns to the Giver. Jesus is today in heaven preparing mansions for those who love Him; yes, more than mansions, a kingdom which is to be ours. But all who shall inherit these blessings must be partakers of the self-denial and self-sacrifice of Christ for the good of others.{AG 62.2}[2]
当今是宽容时期快要结束,恩典的最后信息向世人发出之时,在基督的圣工上可说是空前地需要克己牺牲的努力。……{AG 62.3}[3]
Never was there greater need of earnest, self-sacrificing labor in the cause of Christ than now, when the hours of probation are fast closing and the last message of mercy is to be given to the world....{AG 62.3}[3]
人所领受一切上帝的福惠,仍旧是属于上帝的。祂把地上宝贵华美之物交在我们的手中,是要试验我们,探测我们爱祂及感激祂鸿恩之心有多么深。无论这宝物是财富或智力,都当献在耶稣足前作为乐意的奉献。……{AG 62.4}[4]
All that men receive of God’s bounty still belongs to God. Whatever He has bestowed in the valuable and beautiful things of earth is placed in our hands to test us, to sound the depths of our love for Him and our appreciation of His favors. Whether it be the treasures of wealth or of intellect, they are to be laid, a willing offering, at the feet of Jesus....{AG 62.4}[4]
我们靠着祂的慈悲及慷慨,向上帝无论献上什么,都要记在我们的账上,看我们是忠心的管家。……上帝的天使,他们的见识没有受过罪的蒙蔽,承认上天赏赐各种才能之目的,就是要善用它以增加伟大施舍之主的荣耀。上帝的统治权,是与人类的幸福攸关。一切受造之物的欢乐与福气,就是上帝的荣耀。何时我们设法增进祂的荣耀,我们正是为自己谋我们所可能领受的最高的福利。……上帝要求我们将所受于祂的每一才能,每一恩赐,奉献为祂服务。祂要你们与大卫说同样的话:“万物都从祢而来,我们把从祢而得的献给祢”(代上29:14)。{5T 731-737}{AG 62.5}[5]
Whatever we render to God is, through His mercy and generosity, placed to our account as faithful stewards.... Angels of God, whose perceptions are unclouded by sin, recognize the endowments of heaven as bestowed with the intention that they be returned in such a way as to add to the glory of the great Giver. With the sovereignty of God is bound up the well-being of man. The glory of God is the joy and the blessing of all created beings. When we seek to promote His glory we are seeking for ourselves the highest good which it is possible for us to receive.... God calls for the consecration to His service of every faculty, of every gift, you have received from Him. He wants you to say, with David: “All things come of thee, and of thine own have we given thee” (1 Chronicles 29:14).51{AG 62.5}[5]
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