3月20日 急切呈报你的案件
Press Your Case, March 20
“我必医治他们背道的病,甘心爱他们”(何14:4)。{AG 87.1}[1]
I will heal their backsliding, I will love them freely.Hosea 14:4.{AG 87.1}[1]
我希望没有人存着这种想法,以为认罪就会赚得上帝的恩宠,或以为向人认罪就有什么特别的德行。……主希望我们每天带着我们一切的烦恼到祂面前来,承认我们一切的罪,祂能赐给我们安息。……{AG 87.2}[2]
I hope that none will obtain the idea that they are earning the favor of God by confession of sins or that there is special virtue in confessing to human beings.... The Lord would have us come to Him daily with all our troubles and confessions of sin, and He can give us rest....{AG 87.2}[2]
要独自在你的上帝面前承认你隐秘的罪。要向那位全然知道怎样处理你案件的主承认你心思的迷惘。假若你得罪了你的邻居,就当向他承认你的罪过,而且要予以补偿,藉以显示认罪的成果。然后要求所应许的福。当本着你现在的状况到上帝面前来,让祂医治你一切的软弱。当在施恩宝座前迫切呈报你的案件;务求工作彻底。在与上帝交往和对待自己心灵的事上都要真诚笃实。你若本着一颗真正悔罪的心来就祂,祂就必将胜利赐给你。……祂绝不至误解或误断你。{AG 87.3}[3]
Confess your secret sins alone before your God. Acknowledge your heart wanderings to Him who knows perfectly how to treat your case. If you have wronged your neighbor, acknowledge to him your sin and show fruit of the same by making restitution. Then claim the blessing. Come to God just as you are, and let Him heal all your infirmities. Press your case to the throne of grace; let the work be thorough. Be sincere in dealing with God and your own soul. If you come to Him with a heart truly contrite, He will give you the victory.... He will not misapprehend or misjudge you.{AG 87.3}[3]
你的同胞不能赦免你的罪或洁除你的愆尤。惟有耶稣才能赐你平安。祂爱你,且为你舍了自己的性命。祂那伟大的爱心“能体恤我们的软弱”(来4:15)。试问有什么罪过太大是祂不能赦免的呢?有什么生灵是过于黑暗并被罪恶压伤而为祂所不能拯救的呢?祂是仁慈宽厚的,并不指望我们里面有什么功德,乃是以祂自己无限的良善来医治我们背道的病,并在我们还作罪人的时候,就甘心爱我们。祂是“不轻易发怒,有丰盛慈爱的”(尼9:17)。{5T 648,649}{AG 87.4}[4]
Your fellow men cannot absolve you from sin or cleanse you from iniquity. Jesus is the only One who can give you peace. He loved you and gave Himself for you. His great heart of love is “touched with the feeling of our infirmities” (Hebrews 4:15). What sins are too great for Him to pardon? what soul too dark and sin-oppressed for Him to save? He is gracious, not looking for merit in us, but of His own boundless goodness healing our backslidings and loving us freely, while we are yet sinners. He is “slow to anger, and of great kindness” (Nehemiah 9:17).42{AG 87.4}[4]
患罪病的人是有救治之方的。救治之方是在耶稣里面。祂是何等宝贵的救主!祂的恩典足以拯救最软弱的人。最刚强的人也必须靠祂的恩典,否则就会灭亡。{AG 87.5}[5]
There is a remedy for the sin-sick soul. That remedy is in Jesus. Precious Saviour! His grace is sufficient for the weakest; and the strongest must also have His grace or perish.{AG 87.5}[5]
我看到应该如何得到这恩典,就是到你的密室里,独自向上帝祈求说:“上帝啊,求祢为我造清洁的心,使我里面重新有正直的灵”(诗51:10)。要严肃真诚。热切祈祷是大有功效的。要象雅各那样在祷告中苦苦角力。耶稣曾在园中流汗如同血滴。你必须进行一番努力。不要离开密室,直到你觉得自己在上帝里面刚强起来。要警醒。你只要儆醒祈祷,就能制服罪恶的缠累。上帝的恩典就能够并必定显现在你身上。{MYP 131} {AG 87.6}[6]
I saw how this grace could be obtained. Go to your closet and there alone plead with God. “Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me” (Psalm 51:10). Be in earnest, be sincere. Fervent prayer availeth much. Jacob-like, wrestle in prayer. Agonize. Jesus in the garden sweat great drops of blood; you must make an effort. Do not leave your closet until you feel strong in God; then watch, and just as long as you watch and pray, you can keep these evil besetments under, and the grace of God can, and will, appear in you.43{AG 87.6}[6]
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