3月19日 祈祷如同馨香之气
Prayers Like Fragrant Incense, March 19
“另有一位天使拿着金香炉,来站在祭坛旁边;有许多香赐给他,要和众圣徒的祈祷一同献在宝座前的金坛上”(启8:3)。{AG 86.1}[1]
Another angel came and stood at the altar, having a golden censer; and there was given unto him much incense, that he should offer it with the prayers of all the saints upon the golden altar which was before the throne.Revelation 8:3.{AG 86.1}[1]
真正的祷告持住全能者并且使我们得到胜利。跪下的基督徒才得到力量抵挡试探。……心灵中那默默无声而热切的祈祷,必如圣洁的香气上达施恩宝座,得蒙上帝悦纳,犹如在圣所中献上的祈祷一样。对于凡如此寻求祂的人,基督就成了他们患难中随时的帮助。他们在受试炼之日仍必坚强。{4T 616}{AG 86.2}[2]
True prayer takes hold upon Omnipotence and gives us the victory. Upon his knees the Christian obtains strength to resist temptation.... The silent, fervent prayer of the soul will rise like holy incense to the throne of grace and will be as acceptable to God as if offered in the sanctuary. To all who thus seek Him, Christ becomes a present help in time of need. They will be strong in the day of trial.40{AG 86.2}[2]
如果一个人在今生能得到象上帝对哥尼流那样的称赞,这真是了不起的嘉许。称赞的依据是什么呢?就是“你的祷告和你的周济达到上帝面前,已蒙纪念”(徒10:4)。{AG 86.3}[3]
It is a wonderful favor for any man in this life to be commended of God as was Cornelius. And what was the ground of this approval?—“Thy prayers and thine alms are come up for a memorial before God” (Acts 10:4).{AG 86.3}[3]
祷告和周济本身并无任何功德使罪人得蒙上帝的悦纳。只有基督的恩典,藉着祂的赎罪牺牲,才能更新人心,使我们的事奉得蒙上帝悦纳。这个恩典感动了哥尼流的心。上帝的灵向哥尼流的心说话。耶稣吸引了他,而他则顺应这种吸引。他的祷告和周济不是出于勉强,不是为进天国而付的代价,而是爱上帝和感谢上帝的果实。{AG 86.4}[4]
Neither prayer nor almsgiving has any virtue in itself to recommend the sinner to God; the grace of Christ, through His atoning sacrifice, can alone renew the heart and make our service acceptable to God. This grace had moved upon the heart of Cornelius. The Spirit of Christ had spoken to his soul; Jesus had drawn him, and he had yielded to the drawing. His prayers and alms were not urged or extorted from him; they were not a price he was seeking to pay in order to secure heaven; but they were the fruit of love and gratitude to God.{AG 86.4}[4]
这种出于诚心的祷告象香气一样升到上帝面前。对圣工的捐献,和对贫穷受苦之人的帮助乃是上帝所悦纳的祭物。……{AG 86.5}[5]
Such prayer from a sincere heart ascends as incense before the Lord; and offerings to His cause and gifts to the needy and suffering are a sacrifice well pleasing to Him....{AG 86.5}[5]
祷告和周济是连在一起的。它们表达了对于上帝和同胞的爱,是上帝律法两大原则的具体表现。“你要尽心、尽性、尽力、尽意爱主你的上帝,又要爱邻舍如同自己”(可12:30,31)。虽然我们的礼物不能帮助我们赚到上帝的悦纳,但它们却是我们接受基督恩典的证据,也是我们所自称的爱心是否真诚的一种考验。(6BC1059){AG 86.6}[6]
Prayer and almsgiving are closely linked together—the expression of love to God and to our fellow men. They are the outworking of the two great principles of the divine law,“Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength”; and, “Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself” (Mark 12:30, 31). Thus while our gifts cannot recommend us to God or earn His favor, they are an evidence that we have received the grace of Christ. They are a test of the sincerity of our profession of love.41{AG 86.6}[6]
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