3月26日 一种神圣的经验
A Sacred Experience, March 26
“愿全地都敬畏耶和华;愿世上的居民都惧怕祂”(诗33:8)。{AG 93.1}[1]
Let all the earth fear the Lord: let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of him.Psalm 33:8.{AG 93.1}[1]
许多人以不恭敬的态度称呼伟大耶和华上帝的名,很使圣天使不悦而感到厌恶。天使以至大敬畏之心提及这一圣名,他们提说上帝之名时总是掩上自己的脸面;同时他们也视基督之名非常神圣,而以至大敬畏的心提说这名。{1T 410}{AG 93.2}[2]
Holy angels have been displeased and disgusted with the irreverent manner in which many have used the name of God, the great Jehovah. Angels mention that sacred name with the greatest awe, ever veiling their faces when they speak the name of God; and the name of Christ is so sacred to them that they speak it with the greatest reverence.58{AG 93.2}[2]
一个人之所以能对上帝表示真实的崇敬,乃是因为他感觉到上帝的无限伟大,并体会到祂与我们同在。每一个人的心都当因那看不见之主的临格而深受感触。祈祷的时辰和地点都是神圣的,因为有上帝同在。而且当我们在举止和态度上表示尊敬时,这种感觉就必加深。诗人说“祂的名圣而可畏”(诗111:9)。当天使称呼上帝的圣名时,他们都要遮盖自己的脸。如此看来,我们这些堕落有罪的人在提说祂的圣名时,岂不更应肃敬!{MYP 251}{AG 93.3}[3]
True reverence for God is inspired by a sense of His infinite greatness and a realization of His presence. With this sense of the Unseen, every heart should be deeply impressed. The hour and place of prayer are sacred, because God is there. And as reverence is manifested in attitude and demeanor, the feeling that inspires it will be deepened. “Holy and reverend is his name,” the psalmist declares. Angels, when they speak that name, veil their faces. With what reverence, then, should we, who are fallen and sinful, take it upon our lips!?59{AG 93.3}[3]
不论老少都要研究、思考、经常复习圣经论到应该怎样看待上帝特别临格之地的话。上帝在燃烧的荆棘旁对摩西说:“当把你脚上的鞋脱下来,因为你所站立之地是圣地”(出3:5)。雅各看见天使的异象之后惊叹说:“耶和华真在这里,我竟不知道!……这不是别的,乃是上帝的殿,也是天的门”(创28:16-17)。“惟耶和华在祂的圣殿中,全地的人都当在祂面前肃敬静默”(哈2:20)。{AG 93.4}[4]
Well would it be for young and old to study and ponder and often repeat those words of Holy Writ that show how the place marked by God’s special presence should be regarded. “Put off thy shoes from off thy feet,” He commanded Moses at the burning bush; “for the place whereon thou standest is holy ground” (Exodus 3:5). Jacob, after beholding the vision of the angels, exclaimed, “The Lord is in this place; and I knew it not.... This is none other but the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven” (Genesis 28:16, 17). “The Lord is in his holy temple: let all the earth keep silence before him” (Habakkuk 2:20).{AG 93.4}[4]
“因耶和华为大神,为大王,超乎万神之上。……来啊,我们要屈身敬拜,在造我们的耶和华面前跪下。”“我们是祂造的,也是属祂的;我们是祂的民,也是祂草场的羊。当称谢进入祂的门,当赞美进入祂的院;当感谢祂,称颂祂的名”(诗95:3-6;100:3-4)。{Ed 243}{AG 93.5}[5]
“The Lord is a great God,And a great King above all gods....O come, let us worship and bow down:Let us kneel before the Lord our Maker.”“It is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves;We are his people, and the sheep of his pasture.Enter into his gates with thanksgiving,And into his courts with praise:Be thankful unto him, and bless his name.”(Psalm 95:3-6;100:3, 4).60{AG 93.5}[5]
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