3月27日 尊为圣的名
A Hallowed Name, March 27
“我们在天上的父,愿人都尊祢的名为圣”(太6:9)。{AG 94.1}[1]
Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.Matthew 6:9.{AG 94.1}[1]
尊主的名为圣,要求我们提到至高上帝的时候,怀着敬畏之心。“祂的名圣而可畏”(诗111:9)。我们决不可随随便便地提说上帝的圣名。我们藉着祈祷进入至高者的接见厅。我们当存着圣洁的敬畏来到祂那里。天使在祂面前都蒙上脸。基路伯和光明圣洁的撒拉弗接近祂的宝座时,也都存庄严肃穆之心。我们有限的罪人来到创造主面前,岂不更当存敬畏之心!{AG 94.2}[2]
To hallow the name of the Lord requires that the words in which we speak of the Supreme Being be uttered with reverence. “Holy and reverend is his name” (Psalm 111:9). We are never in any manner to treat lightly the titles or appellations of the Deity. In prayer we enter the audience chamber of the Most High; and we should come before Him with holy awe. The angels veil their faces in His presence. The cherubim and the bright and holy seraphim approach His throne with solemn reverence. How much more should we, finite, sinful beings, come in a reverent manner before the Lord, our Maker!{AG 94.2}[2]
但尊主的名为圣,其含义要远为深刻。我们可能象基督时代的犹太人那样,在表面上对上帝毕恭毕敬,而实际上却在不断地亵渎祂的圣名。“耶和华的名”是“有怜悯,有恩典的……,不轻易发怒,并有丰盛的慈爱和诚实,……赦免罪孽,过犯和罪恶”(出34:5-7)。圣经论到基督的教会说:“祂的名必称为耶和华我们的义”(耶33:16)。这个名赐给了每一个跟从基督的人。它是上帝儿女的产业。这个家族是以天父的名为名的。在以色列人遭遇极大的艰难困苦的时候,先知耶利米祈祷说:“我们也称为祢名下的人,求祢不要离开我们”(耶14:9)。{AG 94.3}[3]
But to hallow the name of the Lord means much more than this. We may, like the Jews in Christ’s day, manifest the greatest outward reverence for God, and yet profane His name continually. “The name of the Lord” is “merciful and gracious, long-suffering, and abundant in goodness and truth, ... forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin” (Exodus 34:5-7). Of the church of Christ it is written, “This is the name wherewith she shall be called, The Lord our Righteousness” (Jeremiah 33:16). This name is put upon every follower of Christ. It is the heritage of the child of God. The family are called after the Father. The prophet Jeremiah, in the time of Israel’s sore distress and tribulation, prayed, “We are called by thy name; leave us not” (Jeremiah 14:9).{AG 94.3}[3]
天使和未曾堕落之诸世界的居民,都尊上帝的名为圣。当你祷告说:“愿人都尊祢的名为圣”时,你就是祈求这个名能在世上和在你身上被尊为圣。上帝已经在世人和天使面前承认你是祂的孩子。所以要祈求使自己不致羞辱“你们所敬奉的尊名”(雅2:7)。上帝差遣你到世界上作祂的代表。你生活的一举一动,都要表显上帝的圣名。这个祈祷也是呼吁你拥有祂的品德。如果你没有在生活和品格上彰显上帝的生命和品德,就不能算尊祂的名为圣,并在世人面前代表祂。然而你只有接受基督的恩典和公义,才能做到这一点。{MB 106,107}{AG 94.4}[4]
This name is hallowed by the angels of heaven, by the inhabitants of unfallen worlds. When you pray, “Hallowed be thy name,” you ask that it may be hallowed in this world, hallowed in you. God has acknowledged you before men and angels as His child; pray that you may do no dishonor to the “worthy name by which ye are called” (James 2:7). God sends you into the world as His representatives. In every act of life you are to make manifest the name of God. This petition calls upon you to possess His character. You cannot hallow His name, you cannot represent Him to the world, unless in life and character you represent the very life and character of God. This you can do only through the acceptance of the grace and righteousness of Christ.61{AG 94.4}[4]
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