4月7日 尊主为大
Magnifies the Lord, April 7
“愿那些喜爱祢救恩的,常说:当尊耶和华为大”(诗40:16)。{AG 105.1}[1]
Let such as love thy salvation say continually, The Lord be magnified.Psalm 40:16.{AG 105.1}[1]
我们为基督作见证,就要把所知道的讲出来,就是自己所看见,所听见和所经历的。如果我们步步跟随耶稣,必能透彻深入地讲述上帝引领我们的经验。我们可以说明自己曾如何试验过祂的应许,并发现祂的应许是可靠的。我们可以根据自己所知道的,见证基督的恩典。这正是我们的主所要的见证,而且正因缺少这种见证,所以世人行将丧亡。{DA 340.}{AG 105.2}[2]
As witnesses for Christ, we are to tell what we know, what we ourselves have seen and heard and felt, If we have been following Jesus step by step, we shall have something right to the point to tell concerning the way in which He has led us. We can tell how we have tested His promise, and found the promise true. We can bear witness to what we have known of the grace of Christ. This is the witness for which our Lord calls, and for want of which the world is perishing.20{AG 105.2}[2]
上帝希望祂所预备在天上永远居住的每一个家庭,要为祂丰盛的恩典而将荣耀归给祂。如果在家庭生活中受到教育和训练的孩子,向那厚赐百物的主表示感谢,我们就会看到属天恩惠的表现。家庭生活就洋溢着快乐。从这种家庭里出来的青年,会把恭谨与虔诚的精神带进学校和教会。……{AG 105.3}[3]
God would have every family that He is preparing to inhabit the eternal mansions above, give glory to Him for the rich treasures of His grace. Were children, in the home life, educated and trained to be grateful to the Giver of all good things we would see an element of heavenly grace manifest in our families. Cheerfulness would be seen in the home life, and coming from such homes, the youth would bring a spirit of respect and reverence with them into the schoolroom, and into the church....{AG 105.3}[3]
要以感恩的心领受各种属世的福气,加倍重视属灵的福分,因为家庭每个成员的悟性已经因真理的道得以成圣。主耶稣十分亲近那些如此欣赏祂宝贵恩赐的人。他们知道这一切好处都来自慈爱和眷顾我们的上帝;祂是一切安慰和恩典取之不尽的伟大源泉。{SD 122}{AG 105.4}[4]
Every temporal blessing would be received with gratitude, and every spiritual blessing become doubly precious because the perception of each member of the household had become sanctified by the Word of truth. The Lord Jesus is very near to those who thus appreciate His gracious gifts, tracing all their good things back to the benevolent, loving care-taking God, and recognizing Him as the great Fountain of all comfort and consolation, the inexhaustible Source of grace.21{AG 105.4}[4]
真基督徒必要在一切的事上以上帝为首先的,末后的,为至上。没有什么野心的动机能影响他对于上帝的爱;他必要坚定不移地将尊荣归给他在天上的父。当我们忠心地高举上帝的圣名时,我们的动机就必顺服上帝的管理,我们也就能发展灵性和心智的能力了。{AG 105.5}[5]
The true Christian will make God first and last and best in everything. No ambitious motives will chill his love for God; steadily, perseveringly, will he cause honor to redound to his heavenly Father. It is when we are faithful in exalting the name of God that our impulses are under divine supervision, and we are enabled to develop spiritual and intellectual power.{AG 105.5}[5]
我们神圣的夫子耶稣是经常高举天父圣名的。祂教导门徒祷告说:“我们在天上的父,愿人都尊祢的名为圣”(太6:9)。而且他们也不可忘记承认“荣耀全是祢的”(太6:13)。{PK 68,69}{AG 105.6}[6]
Jesus, the divine Master, ever exalted the name of His heavenly Father. He taught His disciples to pray, “Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name” (Matthew 6:9, A.R.V.). and they were not to forget to acknowledge, “Thine is ... the glory” (verse 13).22{AG 105.6}[6]
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