四月十五日 世人会认识的品格
A Character the World Will Recognize, April 15
That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world. Philippians 2:15. {Mar 113.1}
上帝的旨意是要通过祂的子民来显明祂国度的原则。祂希望他们在品格和生活上显示这些原则,与世上的风俗、习惯和行为有所分别。……世上的人要从上帝的教会中看到祂的良善、恩慈、公正和仁爱,看到祂品格的见证。当上帝的律法在生活中有了见证时,连世人也会认识到那些挚爱、敬畏并事奉上帝的人远比任何团体优越。{Mar 113.1}
It is God’s purpose to manifest through His people the principles of His kingdom. That in life and character they may reveal these principles, He desires to separate them from the customs, habits, and practices of the world.... By beholding the goodness, the mercy, the justice, and the love of God revealed in His church, the world is to have a representation of His character. And when the law of God is thus exemplified in the life, even the world will recognize the superiority of those who love and fear and serve God above every other people in the world. {Mar 113.2}
安息日复临信徒比其他的人更应在心灵、言行上成为虔敬圣洁的模范。主把最严肃的真理交付给他们,并赐给他们各种恩赐、能力和效率。他们等候基督驾天云降临。如果他们给人留下的印象是他们的信仰并不在他们生活中占主导地位,他们就是大大地羞辱了上帝。{Mar 113.2}
Seventh-day Adventists, above all people, should be patterns of piety, holy in heart and in conversation. To them have been entrusted the most solemn truths ever committed to mortals. Every endowment of grace and power and efficiency has been liberally provided. They look for the near return of Christ in the clouds of heaven. For them to give to the world the impression that their faith is not a dominating power in their lives is greatly to dishonor God. {Mar 113.3}
由于撒但试探的能力日益加强,我们所处的时代对上帝儿女来说是充满许多危险的。我们需要不断地向大教师基督学习,使我们步步行在安全和公义的路上。奇妙的景象正在我们面前展现,现在上帝所宣召的百姓应当在生活上作出活的见证,使世人看出:当今世代虽然邪恶处处得势,仍有一班人将自己的意愿放在一边而寻求遵行上帝的旨意——有上帝的律法写在他们的心灵和生活中。……{Mar 113.3}
Because of the increasing power of Satan’s temptations, the times in which we live are full of peril for the children of God, and we need to learn constantly of the Great Teacher, that we may take every step in surety and righteousness. Wonderful scenes are opening before us; and at this time a living testimony is to be borne in the lives of God’s professed people, so that the world may see that in this age, when evil reigns on every side, there is yet a people who are laying aside their will and are seeking to do God’s will—a people in whose hearts and lives God’s law is written.... {Mar 113.4}
他们的思想要纯洁、言语要高尚而提拔人。他们所做所说的都应贯彻基督的宗教。他们应当是一班圣洁纯全的人,将亮光传给凡与他们交往的人。上帝的旨意是要他们因在生活上为真理作见证而成为地上的赞美。基督的恩典足以使这一点实现。(CT. 321、322){Mar 113.4}
Their thoughts are to be pure, their words noble and uplifting. The religion of Christ is to be interwoven with all that they do and say. They are to be a sanctified, purified, holy people, communicating light to all with whom they come in contact. It is His purpose that by exemplifying the truth in their lives, they shall be a praise in the earth. The grace of Christ is sufficient to bring this about.29 {Mar 113.5}
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