五月十五日 对色情的欲望
The Lust for Nakedness, May 15
Whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart. Matthew 5:28. {Mar 143.1}
许多青年渴望读书。凡能到手的书他们无不阅读。煽情的爱情小说和淫秽的照片图画,有令人腐化败坏的影响。许多人热切地细读小说,结果他们的想象力变得污秽下流。火车上常有许多裸体女子的照片出售。这类令人恶心的照片,……张挂于售卖版画者的墙上。这是一个到处充斥腐败的时代。由于目睹与阅读,便激起了眼目的情欲和腐化的情欲。心地被幻想所败坏了。思想专喜注意那些激发卑劣下贱情欲的景象。这些可耻的形像,既通过已玷污了的幻想而加以注视,便足以使道德败落,进而使这等被欺骗入迷惑的人去放纵肉体的情欲。于是犯罪不法之事便接踵而至,使那原本照着上帝形像受造的人类堕落到兽类的水准上去,最后更使之陷于沦亡。应当避免阅读或观看那些暗示不洁思想的事物。应当培养道德与心智上的能力。惟愿这些高贵的能力不因阅读过多,尤其是阅读小说,而致衰败。……{Mar 143.1}
Many of the young are eager for books. They read everything they can obtain. Exciting love stories and impure pictures have a corrupting influence. Novels are eagerly perused by many, and, as the result, their imagination becomes defiled. In the cars, photographs of females in a state of nudity are frequently circulated for sale. These disgusting pictures are ... hung upon the walls of those who deal in engravings. This is an age when corruption is teeming everywhere. The lust of the eye and corrupt passions are aroused by beholding and by reading. The heart is corrupted through the imagination. The mind takes pleasure in contemplating scenes which awaken the lower and baser passions. These vile images, seen through defiled imagination, corrupt the morals and prepare the deluded, infatuated beings to give loose rein to lustful passions. Then follow sins and crimes which drag beings formed in the image of God down to a level with the beasts, sinking them at last in perdition. Avoid reading and seeing things which will suggest impure thoughts. Cultivate the moral and intellectual powers. Let not these noble powers become enfeebled and perverted by much reading of even storybooks.... {Mar 143.2}
青年若不爱慕研究上帝的圣言,就无从享有健全的思想和正确的宗教原则。这部圣书包含最有兴趣的历史,指明借基督而得救的正道,也是他们度更高尚更美满人生的向导。他们的想象力若不是因读虚构人物的刺激性的小说而致败坏,他们就必异口同声的宣称——圣经是他们曾读过的最有趣的书。你们在等待你们的主复临,将你们这必死的身体改变,与祂荣耀的身体相似的人,务须升达更高行事为人的水准。你们也必须采取较比往时更高的立场,否则,你们就绝不致被列入那些最后领受永远生命的人的中间。(2T.410、411){Mar 143.2}
It is impossible for the youth to possess a healthy tone of mind and correct religious principles unless they enjoy the perusal of the word of God. This book contains the most interesting history, points out the way of salvation through Christ, and is their guide to a higher and better life. They would all pronounce it the most interesting book they ever perused, if their imagination had not become perverted by exciting stories of a fictitious character. You who are looking for your Lord to come the second time to change your mortal bodies, and to fashion them like unto His most glorious body, must come up upon a higher plane of action. You must work from a higher standpoint than you have hitherto done, or you will not be of that number who will receive the finishing touch of immortality.24 {Mar 143.3}
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