五月十四日 偏见日渐增加
Prejudice on the Increase, May 14
Marvel not, my brethren, if the world hate you. We know that we have passed from death unto life, because we love the brethren. He that loveth not his brother abideth in death. 1 John 3:13, 14. {Mar 142.1}
凡与基督有密切关系的人,不会有人种或阶级的偏见。他能凭着信心把握永恒的现实。必须高举神圣的真理之主。我们的心必须充满那生发仁爱并洁净心灵的信心。那善良的撒玛利亚人的行为是我们所当效法的榜样。(9T.209){Mar 142.1}
He who is closely connected with Christ is lifted above the prejudice of color or caste. His faith takes hold of eternal realities. The divine Author of truth is to be uplifted. Our hearts are to be filled with the faith that works by love and purifies the soul. The work of the good Samaritan is the example that we are to follow.21 {Mar 142.2}
相信真理的人若不与基督保持十分亲密的联系,与祂合而为一,就不可能遵照主的旨意正确地处理各项种族问题。我们教会的白人和黑人信徒都需要悔改。在两等人中,都有一些不讲理的人,在讨论种族问题时,表现出未成圣的品格,未悔改的性情。那些从来没有学习负起基督之轭的人,固执己见而顽梗不化,因此他们好争吵的癖性容易受到激发。这这样的人身上,自我本着未成圣的顽梗,喧闹着要求占优势。(LETTER.1904.105){Mar 142.2}
It will be impossible to adjust all matters regarding the color question in accordance with the Lord’s order until those who believe the truth are so closely united with Christ that they are one with Him. Both the white and the colored members of our churches need to be converted. There are some of both classes who are unreasonable, and when the color question is agitated, they manifest unsanctified, unconverted traits of character. Quarrelsome elements are easily aroused in those who, because they have never learned to wear the yoke of Christ, are opinionated and obstinate. In such, self clamors with an unsanctified determination for the supremacy.22 {Mar 142.3}
越到后来,种族歧视的成见越深,白人在许多地方似乎将无法为黑人做什么了。有时候那些不赞成我们作法的白人,甚至与黑人联合起来反对我们,说我们所讲的道理是要离间基督教的各教会,并且就安息日问题引起纷争。白人和黑人的牧师将有捏造假话的,在人们脑子里引起仇恨的意念,甚至准备杀人和破坏。{Mar 142.3}
As time advances, and race prejudices increase, it will become almost impossible, in many places, for white workers to labor for the colored people. Sometimes the white people who are not in sympathy with our work will unite with colored people to oppose it, claiming that our teaching is an effort to break up churches and bring in trouble over the Sabbath question. White ministers and colored ministers will make false statements, arousing in the minds of the people such a feeling of antagonism that they will be ready to destroy and to kill. {Mar 142.4}
地狱的势力正在不遗余力地活动起来,要阻止这最后怜悯的信息在黑人中间传开。撒但正在设法使传道的牧师和教师很难对黑白种族偏见置之不顾。{Mar 142.4}
The powers of hell are working with all their ingenuity to prevent the proclamation of the last message of mercy among the colored people. Satan is working to make it most difficult for the gospel minister and teacher to ignore the prejudice that exists between the white and the colored people. {Mar 142.5}
我们务必聪明行事。凡足以引起无谓的对抗,使福音信息的宣传受到阻碍的事,我们都不可做。(9T.207、208){Mar 142.5}
Let us follow the course of wisdom. Let us do nothing that will unnecessarily arouse opposition—nothing that will hinder the proclamation of the gospel message.23 {Mar 142.6}
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