五月二十四日 预言中的奥斯曼帝国
Ottoman Empire in Prophecy, May 24
Loose the four angels which are bound in the great river Euphrates. And the four angels were loosed, which were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, for to slay the third part of men. Revelation 9:14, 15. {Mar 152.1}
相继兴起的各国都其指定的时间和地点;它们的历史不知不觉地证明了一项真理;其意义是它们所无从知晓的,却宣示给我们。上帝在祂的大计划中为每一个国家和每一个人安排了一定的地位。今日的每一个人和每一个邦国都要受那一位绝无错误之上帝手中的“线铊”的试验。人人都在因自己的选择而决定自己的命运,而上帝则掌管一切,要成全祂的旨意。……{Mar 152.1}
The history of nations that one after another have occupied their allotted time and place, unconsciously witnessing to the truth of which they themselves knew not the meaning, speaks to us. To every nation and to every individual of today God has assigned a place in His great plan. Today men and nations are being measured by the plummet in the hand of Him who makes no mistake. All are by their own choice deciding their destiny, and God is overruling all for the accomplishment of His purposes.... {Mar 152.2}
直到今日,凡预言所说必要成就的事,都已经从历史的事实中一一实现,所以我们可以确知那尚未成就的事也必依次实现。(Ed.178){Mar 152.2}
All that prophecy has foretold as coming to pass, until the present time, has been traced on the pages of history, and we may be assured that all which is yet to come will be fulfilled in its order.37 {Mar 152.3}
在一八四零年,另有一个显著应验的预言引起了普遍的兴趣。两年之前,传讲复临的一个著名牧师约西亚.李奇发表了《启示录》第九章的解释,预言奥斯曼帝国的败亡。依照他的计算法,这个政权必在“一八四零年八月间”倾覆。就在这事成就之前几天,他写道:“如果第一段一百五十年的时期正在迪珂西斯由于士耳其人的许可登位之时届满,那么,三百九十一年零十五天若从以上一段时期结束时算起,就要在一八四零年八月十一日截止,那时,士耳其帝国在君士旦丁堡的权势就要倾覆。我相信事情必然这样成就”( 约西亚.李奇《时兆和预言解释》1840年8月1日)。{Mar 152.3}
In the year 1840, another remarkable fulfilment of prophecy excited widespread interest. Two years before, Josiah Litch, one of the leading ministers preaching the second advent, published an exposition of Revelation 9, predicting the fall of the Ottoman empire. According to his calculations, this power was to be overthrown “in A.D. 1840, sometime in the month of August;” and only a few days previous to its accomplishment he wrote: “Allowing the first period, 150 years, to have been exactly fulfilled before Deacozes ascended the throne by permission of the Turks, and that the 391 years, fifteen days, commenced at the close of the first period, it will end on the 11th of August, 1840, when the Ottoman power in Constantinople may be expected to be broken. And this, I believe, will be found to be the case.”—Josiah Litch, in Signs of the Times, and Expositor of Prophecy, August 1, 1840. {Mar 152.4}
正在那指定的时候,士耳其通过她的使节,接受了欧洲列强的保护,这样,她就投身于基督教国家的控制之下。事情果然正确地应验所预言的话。……于是复临运动得到了一次非常的鼓舞。(GC.335){Mar 152.4}
At the very time specified, Turkey, through her ambassadors, accepted the protection of the allied powers of Europe, and thus placed herself under the control of Christian nations. The event exactly fulfilled the prediction.... A wonderful impetus was given to the advent movement.38 {Mar 152.5}
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