七月十一日 摇撼时期
The Shaking Time, July 11
And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. Matthew 24:12. {Mar 200.1}
上帝的子民一旦在额上盖了印,——这不是看得见的任何记号,而是在心智和属灵上坚持真理不动摇——为大摇动作好了准备,大摇动就会来到。大摇动已经开始。上帝的审判正临到地上。主赐给我们警告,使我们可以知道将要发生什么事情。(4BC.1161){Mar 200.1}
Just as soon as the people of God are sealed in their foreheads—it is not any seal or mark that can be seen, but a settling into the truth, both intellectually and spiritually, so they cannot be moved—just as soon as God’s people are sealed and prepared for the shaking, it will come. Indeed, it has begun already; the judgments of God are now upon the land, to give us warning, that we may know what is coming.37 {Mar 200.2}
大困惑和混乱的日子很快就要临到。撒但既披着天使的衣袍,倘若可行,连选民也要被迷惑。必有多神多主出现,各样异教之风都必吹起。……{Mar 200.2}
The days are fast approaching when there will be great perplexity and confusion. Satan, clothed in angel robes, will deceive, if possible, the very elect. There will be gods many and lords many. Every wind of doctrine will be blowing.... {Mar 200.3}
将要强迫我们接受兽的印记。那些一步一步屈从属世要求,依顺属世风俗的人,这时要顺从掌权者,以免自己遭受讥诮、凌辱、与监禁及死刑的威胁,也就不感困难了。这是上帝的诫命与人的命令之间的斗争。这时教会中的纯金必与渣滓分别开来。真正的敬虔必与那似是而非、虚有其表的敬虔显然有别。许多因才华横溢而为我们所欣羡的“明星”,那时要在黑暗中熄灭了。糠秕要象云雾一样被风吹去,即使在现在显为是丰盛的麦场也要如此。凡僭取圣所的装饰而没有披上基督之义的人,将显出自己的赤身露体而抱愧蒙羞。(5T 81){Mar 200.3}
The mark of the beast will be urged upon us. Those who have step by step yielded to worldly demands and conformed to worldly customs will not find it a hard matter to yield to the powers that be, rather than subject themselves to derision, insult, threatened imprisonment, and death. The contest is between the commandments of God and the commandments of men. In this time the gold will be separated from the dross in the church. True godliness will be clearly distinguished from the appearance and tinsel of it. Many a star that we have admired for its brilliancy will then go out in darkness. Chaff like a cloud will be borne away on the wind, even from places where we see only floors of rich wheat. All who assume the ornaments of the sanctuary, but are not clothed with Christ’s righteousness, will appear in the shame of their own nakedness.38 {Mar 200.4}
然而有人会领受真理。这些人会取代那些跌倒而离开真理的人。……{Mar 200.4}
But there are men who will receive the truth, and these will take the places made vacant by those who become offended and leave the truth.... {Mar 200.5}
坚持真正基督徒原则的人要代替他们,成为忠实可靠的管家,推广上帝圣言的真实意义和淳朴特性。主必施展作为,使不顺从的人与忠诚的人分开。……军队不会减少。坚定忠诚的人必补充跌倒背道的人所留出的缺额。(MS.1898.97){Mar 200.5}
Men of true Christian principle will take their place, and will become faithful, trustworthy householders, to advocate the word of God in its true bearings, and in its simplicity. The Lord will work so that the disaffected ones will be separated from the true and loyal ones.... The ranks will not be diminished. Those who are firm and true will close up the vacancies that are made by those who become offended and apostatize.39 {Mar 200.6}
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