八月十日 整个人的成圣
Sanctification of the Whole Man, August 10
Be renewed in the spirit of your mind; and that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness. Ephesians 4:23, 24. {Mar 230.1}
真理要使人全身心的圣洁,包括他们的心思、意念、心灵和力量。人的精力不应消耗纵欲上。这些行为必须予以克服,否则他会被它们所制服。……他们的思想需要洁净。如果人能明白对待自身的行为是与心思意念的活力和纯洁息息相关的话,他们就会大不一样了。{Mar 230.1}
The truth must sanctify the whole man—his mind, his thoughts, his heart, his strength. His vital powers will not be consumed upon his own lustful practices. These must be overcome, or they will overcome him.... The thoughts need purifying. What might not men and women have been had they realized that the treatment of the body has everything to do with the vigor and purity of mind and heart. {Mar 230.2}
真正的基督徒能获得成圣的经验。他的良心没有丝毫瑕疵。他的心灵也没有一点败坏的痕迹。上帝律法的属灵意义及其约束的原则已渗入他的生活。真理的光照亮了他的悟性。对于救赎主完全之爱的光辉,驱散了在他的心灵与上帝之间的罪恶毒雾。上帝的旨意已成为他的意志,就是纯洁、高尚、优雅而神圣。他的容颜反映天上的光。他的身体成为圣灵的殿。圣洁装饰了他的品格。上帝可以与他交往,因为他的身心与上帝是和谐的。……{Mar 230.2}
The true Christian obtains an experience which brings holiness. He is without a spot of guilt upon the conscience, or a taint of corruption upon the soul. The spirituality of the law of God, with its limiting principles, is brought into his life. The light of truth irradiates his understanding. A glow of perfect love for the Redeemer clears away the miasma which has interposed between his soul and God. The will of God has become his will, pure, elevated, refined, and sanctified. His countenance reveals the light of heaven. His body is a fit temple for the Holy Spirit. Holiness adorns his character. God can commune with him; for soul and body are in harmony with God.... {Mar 230.3}
上帝要我们明白,祂有权拥有我们的灵、智、体和一切。我们因创造和救赎而属祂。作为我们的创造主,祂要求我们完全的事奉;作为我们的救赎主,祂要求我们公义和仁爱——无比的爱。我们一生每时每刻都应认识到这个要求。……我们的身体、心灵、和生命都是属于祂的。不仅因为它们是上帝白白赐给的礼物,而且因为祂不断供应我们福惠,又赐给我们力量来运用我们的才能。……祂说:“凡接待祂的,就是信祂名的人,祂就赐他们权柄,作上帝的儿女”(约1:12)。……{Mar 230.3}
God would have us realize that He has a right to mind, soul, body, and spirit—to all that we possess. We are His by creation and by redemption. As our Creator, He claims our entire service. As our Redeemer, He has a claim of love as well as of right—of love without a parallel. This claim we should realize every moment of our existence.... Our bodies, our souls, our lives, are His, not only because they are His free gift, but because He constantly supplies us with His benefits, and gives us strength to use our faculties.... He says, “As many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name.” ... {Mar 230.4}
上帝的儿女要在品格上代表基督。他们的行为要表现出上帝儿子无穷的恩慈、怜悯、仁爱和纯洁。他们的身心要更加完全地顺服圣灵。献给祂的祭物也要更加芳香。(7BC.909){Mar 230.4}
Those who are sons of God will represent Christ in character. Their works will be perfumed by the infinite tenderness, compassion, love, and purity of the Son of God. And the more completely mind and body are yielded to the Holy Spirit, the greater will be the fragrance of our offering to Him.17 {Mar 230.5}
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