九月二日 在世上的大人物面前作证
Witnessing Before the Great Men of the Earth, September 2
And ye shall be brought before governors and kings for my sake, for a testimony against them and the Gentiles. Matthew 10:18. {Mar 253.1}
上帝的子民奉命在世上的统治者面前作证的日子不远了。在二十个人中,没有一个人认识到我们是如何迅速迈向人类历史之大危机的。……没有时间可以浪费在虚浮无意义的事上,或化心思在无关重要的事上了。……{Mar 253.1}
The time is not far off when the people of God will be called upon to give their testimony before the rulers of the earth. Not one in twenty has a realization of what rapid strides we are making toward the great crisis in our history.... There is no time for vanity, for trifling, for engaging the mind in unimportant matters.5 {Mar 253.2}
君王,统治者和大人物们,会从你们敌人的报告中听到你们的消息。你们的信仰与品格会受到歪曲。但被诬告的人将有机会到控告者面前为自己辩护。他们将有权利把亮光带到世上所谓的伟人面前。如果你研究过圣经,预备好“要以温柔敬畏的心,”回答每一个询问你“心中盼望之缘由”的人,你的仇敌就必挡不住你的智慧。{Mar 253.2}
Kings, governors, and great men will hear of you through the reports of those who are at enmity with you, and your faith and character will be misrepresented before them. But those who are falsely accused will have an opportunity to appear in the presence of their accusers to answer for themselves. They will have the privilege of bringing the light before those who are called the great men of the earth, and if you have studied the Bible, if you are ready to give an answer to every man that asketh you of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear, your enemies will not be able to gainsay your wisdom. {Mar 253.3}
你们现在有机会借着研究上帝的圣言获得极大的智力。但是你们如果懒惰,不在真理的矿井里深挖,就不会预备好应付即将临到我们的危机。但愿你们能认识到光阴的宝贵。你们如果靠着上帝口中所说的每一句话而生活,就不会被发现还没有预备好。(RH.1892.4.26){Mar 253.3}
You now have an opportunity to attain to the greatest intellectual power through the study of the Word of God. But if you are indolent, and fail to dig deep in the mines of truth, you will not be ready for the crisis that is soon to come upon us. O that you would realize that each moment is golden. If you live by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God, you will not be found unprepared.6 {Mar 253.4}
你们不知道自己将蒙召担负什么工作,到什么地方去为真理作见证。许多人将被迫站在法庭上;还有人要站在君王和世上有学问的人面前,为自己的信仰辩护。对真理一知半解的人,不可能把圣经解释清楚,为自己的信仰提出明确的理由。他们将狼狈不堪,无法作无愧的工人。任何人都不要以为自己既不打算在讲台上传道,就不需要学习。你不知道上帝可能对你有什么要求。(FE 217){Mar 253.4}
You know not where you may be called upon to give your witness of truth. Many will have to stand in the legislative courts; some will have to stand before kings and before the learned of the earth, to answer for their faith. Those who have only a superficial understanding of truth will not be able clearly to expound the Scriptures, and give definite reasons for their faith. They will become confused, and will not be workmen that need not to be ashamed. Let no one imagine that he has no need to study, because he is not to preach in the sacred desk. You know not what God may require of you.7 {Mar 253.5}
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