九月二十二日 大艰难时期的成因
Why the Time of Trouble, September 22
God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Psalm 46:1. {Mar 273.1}
虽然上帝的子民被那些决心要毁灭他们的仇敌所围困,但他们所感到的愁苦,还不是因为怕为真理受逼迫,乃是怕自己还没有悔改一切的罪,或因自己的某一些过失而使救主的应许不能实现在他们身上。“我必在普天下人受试炼的时候,保守你免去你的试炼”(启3:10)。他们若能得到赦免的保证,就不怕受苦刑或死亡了;但如果他们不配作祂的子民,并因自己品格上的缺点而丧命,那么上帝的圣名就必受到羞辱。{Mar 273.1}
Though God’s people will be surrounded by enemies who are bent upon their destruction, yet the anguish which they suffer is not a dread of persecution for the truth’s sake; they fear that every sin has not been repented of, and that through some fault in themselves they will fail to realize the fulfillment of the Saviour’s promise: I “will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world.” Revelation 3:10. If they could have the assurance of pardon they would not shrink from torture or death; but should they prove unworthy, and lose their lives because of their own defects of character, then God’s holy name would be reproached. {Mar 273.2}
他们从各处所听到的尽是背信的阴谋,所看到的尽是叛逆的工作,这使他们从心中发出一种迫切的渴望,希望这种大叛道早日结束,恶人的罪恶立即终止。但当他们祈求上帝制止这叛逆的工作时,他们也深深自责,因为他们没有更大的力量去抗拒并阻止这罪恶的洪流。他们感到如果他们过去用尽一切的才能来事奉基督,并再接再厉地向前迈进,撒但的势力就不至于这么猖獗地攻击他们了。{Mar 273.2}
On every hand they hear the plottings of treason and see the active working of rebellion; and there is aroused within them an intense desire, an earnest yearning of soul, that this great apostasy may be terminated and the wickedness of the wicked may come to an end. But while they plead with God to stay the work of rebellion, it is with a keen sense of self-reproach that they themselves have no more power to resist and urge back the mighty tide of evil. They feel that had they always employed all their ability in the service of Christ, going forward from strength to strength, Satan’s forces would have less power to prevail against them. {Mar 273.3}
他们在上帝面前刻苦己心,指出自己过去怎样为许多罪恶悔改,并提出救主的应许说:“让他持住我的能力,使他与我和好,愿他与我和好”(赛27:5)。他们并不因自己的祷告未能立时蒙允而失去信心。他们虽然感到深切的焦虑,恐惧和窘迫,但他们仍不停止祈祷。他们持住上帝的能力,正如雅各持住天使一样,他们心灵的呼声,乃是:“你不给我祝福,我就不容你去”(创32:26)。(GC 619){Mar 273.3}
They afflict their souls before God, pointing to their past repentance of their many sins, and pleading the Saviour’s promise: “Let him take hold of my strength, that he may make peace with me; and he shall make peace with me.” Isaiah 27:5. Their faith does not fail because their prayers are not immediately answered. Though suffering the keenest anxiety, terror, and distress, they do not cease their intercessions. They lay hold of the strength of God as Jacob laid hold of the Angel; and the language of their souls is: “I will not let thee go, except thou bless me.” 70 {Mar 273.4}
大艰难时期是炼成基督化品格的坩锅,是为了引导上帝的子民与撒但及其试探脱离。(RH.1884.8.12){Mar 273.4}
The time of trouble is the crucible that is to bring out Christlike characters. It is designed to lead the people of God to renounce Satan and his temptations.71 {Mar 273.5}
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