十一月二十日 天国的荣耀
The Glories of the Heavenly World, November 20
Since the beginning of the world men have not heard, nor perceived by the ear, neither hath the eye seen, O God, beside thee, what he hath prepared for him that waiteth for him. Isaiah 64:4. {Mar 332.1}
许多人渴望洞察未来世界的荣耀,了解永恒的奥秘,但他们却徒然叩门。凡已启示的事都属于我们和我们的儿女。……伟大的启示者已经向我们的悟性启示了许多必要的事,使我们能明了天国的优美动人,并重视所得的报偿。……{Mar 332.1}
Many have longed to penetrate into the glories of the future world and to have the secrets of eternal mysteries disclosed to them, but they knock in vain. That which is revealed is for us and for our children.... The Great Revealer hath opened to our intelligence many things that are essential in order that we may understand the heavenly attractions and have respect to the recompense of the reward.... {Mar 332.2}
耶稣就天国的事所作的启示,唯有属灵的人才能赏识。为了描述天国的荣耀,人们充分发挥了想象力。但“上帝为爱祂的人所预备的,是眼睛未曾看见,耳朵未曾听见,人心未曾想到的”(林前2:9)。天上的生灵环绕着我们。……光明的天使在人的心灵周围营造属天的气氛,使我们瞻仰看不见的永恒事物。我们以肉眼的视力看不见他们的形状,唯有靠赖属灵的眼光,才能辨识属天的事物。我们人类的官能必因光明天使莫可言喻的荣耀而暗淡失色。唯有属灵的耳朵才能辨别天上和谐的声音。基督并不想用华美的形容刺激人的情感。……祂很清楚地说自己“是道路、真理、生命”(约14:6),是得救的唯一途径。除此以外,别无拯救。{Mar 332.2}
The unfoldings of Jesus in reference to heavenly things are of a character that only the spiritual mind can appreciate. The imagination may summon its utmost powers in order to picture the glories of heaven, but “eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him” (1 Corinthians 2:9). The heavenly intelligences are all around us.... Angels of light create a heavenly atmosphere about the soul, lifting us toward the unseen and eternal. We cannot behold their forms with our natural sight; only by the spiritual vision can we discern heavenly things. Our human powers would be extinguished by the inexpressible glory of the angels of light. The spiritual ear alone can distinguish the harmony of heavenly voices. It is not Christ’s plan to excite the emotions by brilliant descriptions.... He has with sufficient distinctness presented Himself, the way, the truth, and the life, as the only means whereby salvation is to be obtained. No more than this is really required. {Mar 332.3}
祂可以把人带到天国门口,从那敞开的门向我们显示那洋溢天上圣所,并从圣所的门户照射出来的荣耀。然而我们必须凭信心,而非以肉眼来观看它。祂不会忘记我们是祂的代表,在一个完全被咒诅所灼伤和损害的世界上从事上帝的工作。这个世界被道德的黑暗象尸衣一般地笼罩着。“黑暗遮盖大地,幽暗遮盖万民”(赛60:2)。我们却要在上天的光明中行走。(HP.366){Mar 332.3}
He might bring the human soul to the threshold of heaven, and through the open door show us its inner glory flooding the heavenly sanctuary and shining out through its portals; but we must behold it by faith, not with the natural eyes. He does not forget that we are His human agents, to work the works of God in a world all seared and marred with the curse. It is in this world, that is clothed with moral darkness like the pall of death, where darkness covers the earth and gross darkness the people, that we are to walk in the light of heaven.45 {Mar 332.4}
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