二月三日 衡量时期
Weighing Time, February 3
The Lord is a God of knowledge, and by him actions are weighed. 1 Samuel 2:3. {Mar 42.1}
我见到一位天使站着,手里拿着天平,衡量上帝子民──尤其是青年人──的心思及志趣。在天平的一端,放着向天的心思和志趣,另一端放着向地的心思和志趣。在这秤盘上放着一切的小说读物,时髦服装之念,虚荣,骄傲等等。这真是何等严肃的时刻啊!上帝的使者拿着天平站着,要衡量一切自命为上帝儿女的人──就是那些口称向世界死而向上帝活之人──的心思意念。在那放着属世意念,虚荣,骄傲的秤盘上,虽有重物一再滚出了秤盘,但这秤盘还是很快地向下坠。当天平的这一端下坠时,那另一端放着向天之意念及志趣的秤盘,却很快地升高起来,它是何等地轻飘啊!在我见到天使拿着天平,衡量上帝子民的意念及志趣之时,我心中所感受的严肃生动之印象,实在是形容不出的;我现在所能述说的,只是所见到的情形而已。天使说:“这等人能进天国么?不行,不行,这是断乎不行的!你告诉他们吧,他们现存的希望乃是徒然的,除非他们赶快悔改,获得救恩,他们是必要灭亡的。”……{Mar 42.1}
I have seen an angel standing with scales in his hands weighing the thoughts and interest of the people of God, especially the young. In one scale were the thoughts and interest tending heavenward; in the other were the thoughts and interest tending to earth. And in this scale were thrown all the reading of storybooks, thoughts of dress and show, vanity, pride, et cetera. Oh, what a solemn moment! the angels of God standing with scales, weighing the thoughts of His professed children—those who claim to be dead to the world and alive to God. The scale filled with thoughts of earth, vanity, and pride quickly went down, notwithstanding weight after weight rolled from the scale. The one with the thoughts and interest tending to heaven went quickly up as the other went down, and oh, how light it was! I can relate this as I saw it; but never can I give the solemn and vivid impression stamped upon my mind, as I saw the angel with the scales weighing the thoughts and interest of the people of God. Said the angel: “Can such enter heaven? No, no, never. Tell them the hope they now possess is vain, and unless they speedily repent, and obtain salvation, they must perish.” ... {Mar 42.2}
我见到许多人彼此互相度量,把自己的生活与别人的生活相比。这真是不应该的。只有基督才是我们的榜样。祂是我们的真模范,各人应当竭力效法祂。……{Mar 42.2}
I saw that many measure themselves among themselves, and compare their lives with the lives of others. This should not be. No one but Christ is given us as an example. He is our true Pattern, and each should strive to excel in imitating Him.... {Mar 42.3}
我见到有些人简直还不知道,什么是克己,什么是牺牲,或什么是为真理的缘故受苦。无论何人,若不牺牲,决不能进天国。我们应当存克己牺牲的精神。有些人还没有献上自己,将自己的身体献在上帝的坛上。他们放纵急躁无定的脾气,满足自己的嗜欲,只顾自私自利,不顾上帝的圣工。凡是愿为永生而作任何牺牲的人,必可得之;因为这永生是值得受苦,值得把自我钉死,及值得牺牲一切偶像的。那极重无比永远的荣耀,会淹没一切,并使属世的一切宴乐黯然失色。(1T 124-126){Mar 42.3}
I saw that some hardly know as yet what self-denial or sacrifice is, or what it is to suffer for the truth’s sake. But none will enter heaven without making a sacrifice. A spirit of self-denial and sacrifice should be cherished. Some have not sacrificed themselves, their own bodies, on the altar of God. They indulge in hasty, fitful temper, gratify their appetites, and attend to their own self-interest, regardless of the cause of God. Those who are willing to make any sacrifice for eternal life, will have it; and it will be worth suffering for, worth crucifying self for, and sacrificing every idol for. The far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory swallows up everything and eclipses every earthly pleasure.4 {Mar 42.4}
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