二月四日 你经得起试验吗?
Will You Stand the Test? February 4
Thou shalt remember all the way which the Lord thy God led thee these forty years in the wilderness, to humble thee, and to prove thee, to know what was in thine heart, whether thou wouldest keep his commandments, or no. Deuteronomy 8:2. {Mar 43.1}
上帝要试验祂的子民。……如果这(1844年所宣扬的)信息真象我们许多人所想象的那么短促,他们就没有时间可以发展自己的品格了。当这道严肃而可怕的信息激动他们之时,许多人只是凭感情行事,而不是凭原则和信心行事。这信息触动了他们的感情,引起了他们的恐惧,却没有完成上帝计划要完成的工作。……{Mar 43.1}
God will prove His people.... If the message [the 1844 proclamation] had been of as short duration as many of us supposed, there would have been no time for them to develop character. Many moved from feeling, not from principle and faith, and this solemn, fearful message stirred them. It wrought upon their feelings, and excited their fears, but did not accomplish the work which God designed that it should.... {Mar 43.2}
上帝领导祂的子民,一步一步前进。祂领他们到了预先算好的足能表明心迹的不同点上。有些人在这一点上能忍受得住,但在下一点上却跌倒了。在每逢进步一点时,他们的心意都要经过更严格一点的试验和试炼。凡自命为上帝子民的人,如果觉得自己的心意反对这种整直修正的工作,就当说服他们,他们若不愿被主从口中吐出,还得下一番功夫去胜过才好。……有些人愿意接受某一点;但当上帝领他们到另一试验之点时,他们就畏避退缩,因他们觉得这一点是直接打击到自己心中所隐藏的偶像。在这里他们有机会看出自己心中到底藏些什么东西,以至把耶稣关闭在外。他们重视某些事物过于真理,他们的心也没有预备接受耶稣。每一个人都要经过一番长时期的试验及证明,好看出自己肯否牺牲心中的偶像。……那些来到了每一点,经过了每一试验而仍能坚立,并不顾一切代价而得胜的人,已听从了那“真实见证者”的劝勉,就必领受晚雨,而预备好变化升天。(1T 186,187){Mar 43.2}
God leads His people on, step by step. He brings them up to different points calculated to manifest what is in the heart. Some endure at one point, but fall off at the next. At every advanced point the heart is tested and tried a little closer. If the professed people of God find their hearts opposed to this straight work, it should convince them that they have a work to do to overcome.... Some are willing to receive one point; but when God brings them to another testing point, they shrink from it and stand back, because they find that it strikes directly at some cherished idol. Here they have opportunity to see what is in their hearts that shuts out Jesus. They prize something higher than the truth, and their hearts are not prepared to receive Jesus. Individuals are tested and proved a length of time to see if they will sacrifice their idols.... Those who come up to every point, and stand every test, and overcome, be the price what it may, have heeded the counsel of the True Witness, and they will receive the latter rain, and thus be fitted for translation. {Mar 43.3}
上帝在这个世界上试验祂的子民。……在这个世界上,在末后的日子里,人们要显明究竟是什么能力在影响他们的心,控制他们的行为。如果是上帝真理的能力,就必导致善行。这能力必提拔凡接受的人,使他心意高贵而慷慨,象他神圣的主一样。……{Mar 43.3}
God proves His people in this world.... Here, in this world, in these last days, persons will show what power affects their hearts and controls their actions. If it is the power of divine truth, it will lead to good works. It will elevate the receiver, and make him noblehearted and generous, like his divine Lord.... {Mar 43.4}
青年人和老年人啊,上帝如今正在考验你们。你们也正在决定自己永远的命运。(1T 186-189){Mar 43.4}
Young and old, God is now testing you. You are deciding your own eternal destiny.5 {Mar 43.5}
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