一月六日 宗教改革家的信心
Faith of the Reformers, January 6
The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death. 1 Corinthians 15:26. {Mar 14.1}
路德宣称:“我自己切实相信,审判大日决不会迟延到三百年之后。上帝不愿,也不能容忍这罪恶的世界长久存留。”“那伟大的日子正逐渐临近,到那日,这罪大恶极的国度就要被推翻了”(丹尼尔《基督在地上作王》158,134页)。{Mar 14.1}
Luther declared: “I persuade myself verily, that the day of judgment will not be absent full three hundred years. God will not, cannot, suffer this wicked world much longer.” “The great day is drawing near in which the kingdom of abominations shall be overthrown.”—Daniel T. Taylor, The Reign of Christ on Earth: or, The Voice of the Church in All Ages, p. 33. {Mar 14.2}
梅兰克吞说:“这个衰老的世界现在离它的终局不远了。”喀尔文嘱咐基督徒“不要犹豫,乃是热切渴望基督降临的日子为万事之中最可喜的事;”“忠心信徒的全家都要殷勤仰望那日。”他又说:“我们必须渴望基督,我们必须追求,思慕祂,直到那大日的黎明;那时,我们的主要全然显出祂国度的荣耀”( 丹尼尔《基督在地上作王》158,134页)。{Mar 14.2}
“This aged world is not far from its end,” said Melanchthon. Calvin bids Christians “not to hesitate, ardently desiring the day of Christ’s coming as of all events most auspicious;” and declares that “the whole family of the faithful will keep in view that day.” “We must hunger after Christ, we must seek, contemplate,” he says, “till the dawning of that great day, when our Lord will fully manifest the glory of His kingdom.”—Ibid., pages 158, 134. {Mar 14.3}
苏格兰的改革家诺克斯曾说:“我们的主耶稣岂不是已经带着与我们相同的肉身升天了吗?祂岂不是要再回来吗?我们知道祂必回来,而且甚快。”那为真理殉身的黎特理和拉替麦曾凭着信心仰望主的降临。黎特理写道:“我相信──因此我才说,这世界无疑地已经临到终局。但愿我们同上帝的仆人约翰一样,从心里向我们的救主基督呼吁说:主耶稣啊,我愿祢来”( 丹尼尔《基督在地上作王》151,145页,启22:20)。{Mar 14.3}
“Has not the Lord Jesus carried up our flesh into heaven?” said Knox, the Scotch Reformer, “and shall He not return? We know that He shall return, and that with expedition.” Ridley and Latimer, who laid down their lives for the truth, looked in faith for the Lord’s coming. Ridley wrote: “The world without doubt—this I do believe, and therefore I say it—draws to an end. Let us with John, the servant of God, cry in our hearts unto our Saviour Christ, Come, Lord Jesus, come.”—Ibid., pages 151, 145. {Mar 14.4}
巴克斯特曾说:“主降临的事对于我乃是最甜蜜最愉快的”( 《巴克斯特文集》卷17第555页)。“信心的工作和圣徒的特性就是爱慕主的显现,并持守那有福的盼望。”“在复活的时候,死亡既要成为最后被毁灭的仇敌,那么,我们作信徒的人就应当如何渴望并祈求基督的复临啊!到那时我们就要得到完全和最后的胜利了”( 《巴克斯特文集》卷17第500页)。“一切的信徒应当渴慕,希望,并等候那日。他们得赎的一切工作,和他们心灵上的一切愿望与努力,在那日都要成全了。”“主啊,求祢使这有福的日子速速来到”( 《巴克斯特文集》卷17第182,183页)!这就是使徒时代的教会,“旷野的教会,”和一般宗教改革家的指望。(GC 303){Mar 14.4}
“The thoughts of the coming of the Lord,” said Baxter, “are most sweet and joyful to me.”—Richard Baxter, Works, vol. 17, p. 555. “It is the work of faith and the character of His saints to love His appearing and to look for that blessed hope.” “If death be the last enemy to be destroyed at the resurrection, we may learn how earnestly believers should long and pray for the second coming of Christ, when this full and final conquest shall be made.”—Ibid., vol. 17, p. 500. “This is the day that all believers should long, and hope, and wait for, as being the accomplishment of all the work of their redemption, and all the desires and endeavors of their souls.” “Hasten, O Lord, this blessed day!”—Ibid., vol. 17, pp. 182, 183. Such was the hope of the apostolic church, of the “church in the wilderness,” and of the Reformers.8 {Mar 14.5}
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