1月20日 光明或阴影
Light or Shadow? January 20
“祸哉!那些称恶为善、称善为恶,以暗为光、以光为暗,以苦为甜、以甜为苦的人”(赛5:20)。{OHC 26.1}[1]
Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!?Isaiah 5:20.{OHC 26.1}[1]
上帝就是光,在祂毫无黑暗。没有光,就没有阴影。虽然阴影是因太阳而出现的,却不是太阳所制造的。是某种障碍而造成了阴影。照样,黑暗也不是出于上帝,而是因为有障碍挡在心灵与上帝之间。……无视上帝所赐的亮光,会导致必然的后果。它产生了阴影,产生了黑暗。这黑暗因所赐的亮光而更显得黑暗。……人若躲避亮光和凭证,屈从撒但诱人的诡计,就是用不信的帘幕遮蔽自己,以致无法分辨光明与黑暗。即使有更多的亮光和凭据,也照样为他所误解。凭据越多,他就越冷漠。于是受迷惑的人就称暗为光,称真理为谬论。(MS.1898.56){OHC 26.2}[2]
God is light, and in Him is no darkness at all. If there were no light, there would be no shade. But while the shade comes by the sun, it is not created by it. It is some obstruction that causes the shadow. So darkness emanates not from God, but is the result of an intruding object between the soul and God.... Disregard of the light that God has given brings the sure result. It creates a shadow, a darkness that is more dark because of the light which has been sent.... If a man withdraws himself from light and evidence, and yields to Satan’s seducing arts, he himself draws the curtain of unbelief about him, so that light cannot be distinguished from darkness. More light and evidence would only be misunderstood by him. The greater the evidence, the greater will be the indifference. This will lead the deceived soul to call darkness light and truth error.38{OHC 26.2}[2]
撒但不停地活动,要引诱人拒绝真光。正路和岐途只有一步之遥。撒但在岐途引路。在那里光明尽是黑暗,黑暗却都是光。……向不信敞开心怀是危险的事,因为会将上帝的灵从心中逐出,撒但的暗示便乘虚而入了。……我们必须……谨防怀疑或不信侵入一步。(LT.1894.104){OHC 26.3}[3]
Satan is constantly working to lead men to deny the light. It is but a step from the straightforward path to a diverging one, in which Satan leads the way, and where light is all darkness, and darkness light.... It is a dangerous thing to open the heart to unbelief, for it drives the Spirit of God away from the heart, and Satan’s suggestions come in.... We must ... avoid the first admission of doubt and unbelief.39{OHC 26.3}[3]
“人种的是什么,收的也是什么”(加6:7)。上帝不毁灭任何人。遭到毁灭的人都是自行毁灭的。人压制了良知的劝告,就撒下不信的种子。这些种子必定有其收获。……{OHC 26.4}[4]
“Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.”Galatians 6:7. God destroys no man. Every man who is destroyed will destroy himself. When a man stifles the admonitions of conscience, he sows the seeds of unbelief and these produce a sure harvest....{OHC 26.4}[4]
“不听我的劝戒,藐视我一切的责备,所以必吃自结的果子,充满自设的计谋。愚昧人背道,必杀己身;愚顽人安逸,必害己命。惟有听从我的必安然居住,得享安静,不怕灾祸”(箴1:30-33)。(MS.1898.56){OHC 26.5}[5]
“They would none of my counsel, they despised all my reproof. Therefore shall they eat of the fruit of their own way, and be filled with their own devices. For the turning away of the simple shall slay them, and the prosperity of fools shall destroy them. But whoso hearkeneth unto me shall dwell safely, and shall be quiet from fear of evil.”Proverbs 1:30-33.40{OHC 26.5}[5]
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