8月23日 信仰有没有使你更好
Has Religion Made You Better? August 23
“你们在外邦人中,应当品行端正,叫那些毁谤你们是作恶的,因看见你们的好行为,便在鉴察的日子,归荣耀给上帝”(彼前2:12)。{OHC 241.1}[1]
Having your conversation honest among the Gentiles: that, whereas they speak against you as evildoers, they may by your good works, which they shall behold, glorify God in the day of visitation.1 Peter 2:12.{OHC 241.1}[1]
我们的内心如何,必在品格上显露出来,并影响一切与我们交往的人。我们的言语,我们的行为,若不是活的香气叫人活,便是死的香气叫人死。在审判的时候,我们要面对面见到一些人。我们若是每天都与上帝联络,活泼而恒久地关心其灵魂得救,原可藉着合宜的言语与忠告,帮助这些人走上正直安全的道路。(Und MS 73){OHC 241.2}[2]
Whatever we are at heart will be revealed in character, and will have an influence on all those with whom we associate. Our words, our actions, are a savor of life unto life or of death unto death. And in the judgment we shall be brought face to face with those whom we might have helped in right, safe paths by choice words, by counsel, if we had daily connection with God and a living, abiding interest in the saving of their souls.43{OHC 241.2}[2]
基督徒不应只满足于做一个积极办事的人。他不可专注于属世的事务,几乎抽不出时间或心思进行消遣和社交,造福他人,修心养性,谋求心灵的福祉。在业务上勤奋努力是值得称道的,但这一切不应使我们忽略圣经所吩咐的爱上帝和爱同胞。……{OHC 241.3}[3]
The Christian should not be content to be merely an active man of business. He should not be so absorbed in worldly affairs as to have scarcely a spare moment or a thought for recreation or friendship, for the good of others, for the culture of the mind, or the welfare of the soul. Energy and diligence in business are commendable, but these should not lead us to neglect that love for God and man which the Bible enjoins....{OHC 241.3}[3]
我们待人接物、彼此交往的态度,会受到严厉尖锐的评论。我们在教堂里所讲的话,远不如在家庭里和邻里间的行为那么重要!和蔼的言语,审慎的行为,真诚的礼貌与好客,会不断地发挥有利于基督教的影响。{OHC 241.4}[4]
Our course in temporal matters, our conduct toward one another, is commented upon with keenness and severity. What we say in the church is not of so great consequence as our deportment in the home circle and among our neighbors. The kindly word, the thoughtful act, true politeness and hospitality, will constantly exert an influence in favor of the Christian religion.{OHC 241.4}[4]
惟愿不会有人评论我们中的任何人说:“宗教并没有使他们变好一些。他们还是和以前一样放纵、世俗、买卖狡诈。”凡结出这种果实的人,没有与基督一同聚敛,反而使人远离基督。他们将绊脚石放在原本他们可以藉着表里一致的行为、争取归向耶稣之人的道路上。我们基督徒有责任向世人提供无误的凭据,证明自我们遵守最大的诚命“要爱人如已”。这条诚命也我们救主的金科玉律:“所以无论何事,你们愿意人怎样待你们,你们也要怎样待人”。(ST.1882.1.12){OHC 241.5}[5]
Let not the testimony be borne concerning any of us, “Religion has made them no better. They are as self-indulgent, as worldly, as sharp in trade, as ever.” All who bear such fruit scatter from Christ, instead of gathering with Him. They place obstacles in the way of those whom they might by a consistent course have won to Jesus. It is our duty as Christians to give the world unmistakable evidence that we are obeying the great commandment, “Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself,” which is the same as our Saviour’s golden rule, “Whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them.”44{OHC 241.5}[5]
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