9月22日 衣着的区别
A Distinction in Dress, September 22
“又愿女人廉耻、自守,以正派衣裳为妆饰,不以编发、黄金、珍珠和贵价的衣裳为妆饰,只要有善行,这才与自称是敬上帝的女人相宜”(提前2:9,10 )。{OHC 271.1}[1]
In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array; but (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works.1 Timothy 2:9, 10.{OHC 271.1}[1]
上帝带领以色列人离开埃及以后,命令他们在衣服底边的繸子上,钉一条简单的兰色的细带子,以别于周围的国家,表明自己是上帝特选的子民。(参民15:39、40)现在并不要求上帝的子民在衣服上有特殊的记号。但是在新约圣经中经常提到古代以色列民为例子。既然上帝曾为古代祂的子民下达了有关衣服的明确指示,难道祂就不注意祂今日子民的服装?他们的服装难道不应该与世俗有别?上帝所珍爱的子民难道就不应该的服装上设法荣耀上帝?他们难道不应该在服装上树立榜样,用他们朴素的样式来斥责世俗而贪爱享乐之信徒的骄傲,虚浮和奢华?上帝对祂的子民有这样的要求。圣经中斥责骄傲。(1BC.1114){OHC 271.2}[2]
The children of Israel ... were commanded to have a simple ribbon of blue in the border of their garments, to distinguish them from the nations around them, and to signify that they were God’s peculiar people. [See?Numbers 15:39, 40.] The people of God are not now required to have a special mark placed upon their garments. But in the New Testament we are often referred to ancient Israel for examples. If God gave such definite directions to His ancient people in regard to their dress, will not the dress of His people in this age come under His notice? Should there not be in their dress a distinction from that of the world? Should not the people of God, who are His peculiar treasure, seek even in their dress to glorify God? And should they not be examples in point of dress, and by their simple style rebuke the pride, vanity, and extravagance of worldly, pleasure-loving professors? God requires this of His people. Pride is rebuked in His Word.42{OHC 271.2}[2]
我们对耶稣和祂慈爱的了解,必须超过对属世时尚的了解。我奉我主的名呼吁青年人研究基督的榜样。你如果要制作一件物品,就必须仔细研究它的式样,以便尽可能与它接近。要努力效法那位神圣的楷模。……你不可能既像耶稣,心中又怀藏骄傲。……{OHC 271.3}[3]
We must know more of Jesus and His love than of the fashions of the world. In the name of my Master, I call upon the youth to study the example of Christ. When you wish to make an article, you carefully study the pattern, that you may reproduce it as nearly as possible. Now set to work to copy the divine Exemplar.... You cannot be like Jesus, and cherish pride in your heart....{OHC 271.3}[3]
金银珠宝或贵重的装饰若与基督的美相比,价值是何等微小啊!天然的美在于均衡,在于各部分的和谐对称。但属灵之美却在于我们的心灵与耶稣相象。这会使人比精金,比俄斐的纯金更加宝贵。基督的恩典确实是无价的装饰。它会使人高尚而尊贵,并向他人反映光辉,把他们吸引到光明幸福之源。(RH.1881.12.6){OHC 271.4}[4]
Of how little value are gold or pearls or costly array, in comparison with the meekness and loveliness of Christ. Natural loveliness consists in symmetry, or the harmonious proportion of parts, each with the other; but spiritual loveliness consists in the harmony or likeness of our souls of Jesus. This will make its possessor more precious than fine gold, even the golden wedge of Ophir. The grace of Christ is indeed a priceless adornment. It elevates and ennobles its possessor, and reflects beams of glory upon others, attracting them also to the Source of light and blessing.43{OHC 271.4}[4]
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