1月31日 将真理珍藏于心
Storing the Mind With Truth, January 31
“我所看不明的,求祢指教我;我若作了孽,必不再作”(伯34:32)。{OHC 37.1}[1]
That which I see not teach thou me: if I have done iniquity, I will do no more.Job 34:32.{OHC 37.1}[1]
要拿着圣经来到你的天父面前说:“求祢启迪我;教导我何为真理。”主必垂听你的祷告,圣灵也必将真理铭刻在你心中。你若亲自查考圣经,就必信心坚固。不断地查考圣经,将上帝的圣言珍藏于心,是一件非常重要的事,因为将来你可能与基督徒朋友分开,处在没有机会与上帝的儿女相会的境地。你需要将上帝圣言的财宝珍藏于心,在遭遇反对时,凡事仍可求教于圣经。……{OHC 37.2}[2]
Take your Bible and present yourself before your heavenly Father, saying, “Enlighten me; teach me what is truth.” The Lord will regard your prayer, and the Holy Spirit will impress the truth upon your soul. In searching the Scriptures for yourself, you will become established in the faith. It is of the greatest importance that you continually search the Scriptures, storing the mind with the Word of God, for you may be separated from the companionship of Christians, and placed where you will not have the privilege of meeting with the children of God. You need the treasures of God’s Word hidden in your heart, that when opposition comes upon you, you may bring everything to the Scriptures....{OHC 37.2}[2]
我们生存在末世。骗人的邪道被人接受和相信;真理则遭人厌弃。许多人正随着黑暗和不信的浊流飘走,对圣经吹毛求疵,提出种种迷信的发明,不合圣经的理论和虚伪哲学的推测;但是人人都有本分寻求充分的圣经知识。(ST.1893.2.6){OHC 37.3}[3]
We are living in the last days, when error of a most deceptive character is accepted and believed, while truth is discarded. Many are drifting into darkness and infidelity, picking flaws with the Bible, bringing in superstitious inventions, unscriptural theories, and speculations of vain philosophy; but it is the duty of everyone to seek a thorough knowledge of the Scriptures.66{OHC 37.3}[3]
惟有在实际生活中实行真理,真理才能生效。如果上帝的圣言谴责你所放纵的习惯,你所怀的情感,或你所表现的精神,你切不可转离上帝的圣言,而当扬弃你的恶行,让耶稣洁净和圣化你的心灵。要承认并离弃自己的缺点。(ST.1893.1.30){OHC 37.4}[4]
Truth is efficient only as it is carried out in practical life. If the Word of God condemns some habit you have indulged, a feeling you have cherished, a spirit you have manifested, turn not from the Word of God, but turn away from the evil of your doings, and let Jesus cleanse and sanctify your heart. Confess your faults, and forsake them.67{OHC 37.4}[4]
不要只是承认真理,而不去遵行基督的话。真理必须应用在自己的身上。它必须把接受的人领到磐石那里,叫他们掉在磐石上跌碎。这样,耶稣才能照着自己的神圣品德,塑造他们的品格。我们若愿意倾听他的声音,就必须先让自己的心静下来。自我的喧嚷、虚饰和情欲,都必须予以斥责,然后披上谦卑的衣裳,在基督的门下作谦逊的学生。(RH.1893.10.31){OHC 37.5}[5]
Do not merely assent to the truth, and fail to be a doer of the words of Christ. The truth must be applied to self; it must bring men and women who receive it to the Rock, that they may fall upon the Rock and be broken. Then Jesus can mold and fashion their characters after His own divine character. If we would listen to His voice, we must let silence reign in the heart. The clamors of self, its pretensions, its lusts, must be rebuked, and we must put on the robe of humility, and take our place as humble learners in the school of Christ.68{OHC 37.5}[5]
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