第88章 撒种与收割
Chap. 88 Sowing and Reaping
“那人撒种,这人收割”(约4:37)。这句话是救主在按手差遣门徒之前说的。基督已经在犹太各地撒下了真理的种子。祂已清楚地说明了救恩的计划,因为祂的口不住地发出真理。大教师在人间的工作即将结束。众门徒接着就要在祂撒种的地方收割,使撒种的与收割的一同快乐。{GW 409.1}[1]
One soweth, and another reapeth. [John 4:37.] The Saviour spoke these words in anticipation of the ordination and sending forth of His disciples. Throughout Judea, Christ had been sowing the seeds of truth. Clearly and distinctly He had outlined the plan of salvation; for the truth never languished on His lips. The earthly work of the great Teacher was soon to close. The disciples were to follow after, reaping where He had sown, that both the Sower and the reapers might rejoice together. {GW 409.1}[1]
今日在上帝的大田园里,祂需要撒种和收割的人。出去作工的人,有的撒种,有的收割。他们要记住,决不可因工作的成就而归荣耀给自己。上帝所指定的一切有形无形的媒介,已经在他们之先为撒种收割庄稼预备道路。基督说:“我差你们去收你们所没有劳苦的;别人劳苦,你们享受他们所劳苦的”(约4:38)。{GW 409.2}[2]
Today in His great harvest-field God has need of sowers and of reapers. Let those who go forth into the work, some to sow and some to reap, remember that they are never to take to themselves the glory for the success of their work. God's appointed agencies have been before them, preparing the way for the sowing of the seed and the reaping of the harvest. "I sent you to reap that whereon ye bestowed no labor," Christ said; "other men labored, and ye are entered into their labors." [John 4:38.] {GW 409.2}[2]
“收割的人得工价,积蓄五谷到永生;叫撒种的和收割的一同快乐”(约4:36)。要仔细阅读这句话,研究它的意义,因为这句话归纳了上帝的计划。撒种的人把现代考验性真理向大群小群的人传播,付出了辛劳的代价,却不一定有收成。主的工人往往遭到剧烈的反对,工作被拦阻。他们尽己所能,认真艰苦地播撒善种。但反对的势力越来越强烈。一些听众可能信服了真理,但受到反对势力的威胁,没有勇气承认自己的信念。{GW 409.3}[3]
He that reapeth receiveth wages, and gathereth fruit unto life eternal: that both he that soweth and he that reapeth may rejoice together. [John 4:36.] Read these words carefully. Study their meaning; for they outline God's plan. Those who sow the seed, presenting before large and small gatherings the testing truth for this time, at the cost of much labor, may not always gather the harvest. Often the Lord's workers are bitterly opposed, and their work is hindered. They do their best; with earnest, painstaking effort they sow the good seed. But the element of opposition becomes fiercer and fiercer. Some of the hearers may be convinced of the truth, but they are intimidated by the opposition shown, and they have not the courage to acknowledge their convictions. {GW 409.3}[3]
传道人的性命可能受到撒但所控制之人的威胁。这时他们就该效法主的榜样,到别的地方去。基督说:“以色列的城邑,你们还没有走遍,人子就到了”(太10:23)。真理的使者可以转移到其他园地。也许那里有更好的工作机会。他们就可以成功地播撒真理的种子并且收割庄稼了。他们成功的消息,会传到先前表面上工作不成功的地方。这样,下一位到那里去的真理使者就会受到较好的接待了。{GW 410.1}[4]
The lives of the workers may be endangered by those who are controlled by Satan. It is then their privilege to follow the example of their Master, and go to another place. "Ye shall not have gone over the cities of Israel," Christ said, "till the Son of man be come." [Matthew 10:23.] Let the messengers of truth pass on to another field. Here may be a more favorable opportunity for work, and they may successfully sow the seed of truth and reap the harvest. The report of their success will find its way to the place where the work was apparently unsuccessful, and the next messenger of truth who goes there will be more favorably received. {GW 410.1}[4]
在试炼和失望中撒下的种子,必表显出生命与活力。逆境、忧愁、财产的损失和上帝所安排的变动等,都会使人清晰地回忆起上帝忠心的仆人多年前所传的道。所撒的种子就发芽结实了。{GW 410.2}[5]
The seed sown in trial and discouragement will be seen to have life and vitality. Adversity, sorrow, loss of property, the changes of God's providence, recall with vivid distinctness the words spoken years before by the faithful servant of God. The seed sown springs up and bears fruit. {GW 410.2}[5]
上帝需要聪明的人认真完成交托给他们的工作。祂要用他们作劝人悔改的工具。有些人要撒种,有些人要收割所种的庄稼。但愿每一个人都竭尽所能运用自己的才干,让上帝用来撒种或收割。{GW 410.3}[6]
God has need of wise men and women who will labor earnestly to accomplish the work committed to them. He will use them as His instruments in the conversion of souls. Some will sow, and some will reap the harvest of the seed sown. Let every one do his best to improve his talents, that God may use him either as a sower or as a reaper. {GW 410.3}[6]
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