第10章 信任
Chap. 10-Confidence
可靠的领袖——我们看到需要恳切献身的人开始从事将来必须予以推进的工作。……我们不要视任何一个人都是可以相信和倚赖的,除非他显然立足于圣经的真理。{ChL 20.1}[1]
Safe Leaders--We see the need of earnest, devoted men to take up the work that must be carried forward in the future . . . . We are not to regard any human being as one to be believed and trusted, unless it is evident that he is established in the truth of the word of God. {ChL 20.1}[1]
有些在上帝的工作中作领袖的人正设法使工作无效,这工作是上帝安置在世界为要教育祂子民的,并要预备他们经受住种种行奇事之能力的考验,这些能力会使最近六十年来在圣灵的能力之下所赐予的宝贵的信仰事实无效。(Lt. 1906 256. 1906,8.1.致澳大利亚传道的弟兄. {ChL 20.2}[2]
Some who have been leaders in the work of God are seeking to make of none effect the work that God has placed in the world to educate His people, and to prepare them to stand the test of the miracle-working powers that would make void the precious facts of faith that have for the last sixty years been given under the power of the Holy Spirit.--Letter 256, 1906 (Aug. 1, 1906, Ministering Brethren in Australia). {ChL 20.2}[2]
受苦的原因——你若削弱上帝子民对其领袖们的信任,就会削弱上帝的圣工,使人们的心思悬悬不定。他们无处可以依靠。我不能参与突显上帝子民的软弱与错误的工作。(Lt.1871,13. p. 5 . 1871 9.2.致怀雅各). {ChL 20.3}[3]
The Cause Suffers--When you weaken the confidence of God's people in their leaders, you weaken the cause of God. The minds of the people are left in uncertainty. They cannot depend anywhere. I cannot engage in the work in making prominent the weakness and errors of God's people.--Letter 13, 1871, p. 5 (Sept. 2, 1871 to James White). {ChL 20.3}[3]
人们失去信心——正是基于错误的原则作工才使上帝的圣工处于目前的窘迫中。人们对那些管理工作的人失去了信心。可是我们却听到有人说区会的声音就是上帝的声音。每一次我听到这种话,就想这几乎是亵渎。区会的声音应该是上帝的声音,但它不是,因为有些在区会工作的人并不是有信心而且祈祷的人;他们不是具有高尚原则的人。他们没有全心寻求上帝;没有认识到落在那些在这个机构中的人身上的要依照上帝的样式陶冶和塑造心思意念的极重大的责任。(Ms. 1901,37. p. 8 . 1901,4. 怀夫人在《评论与通讯》小礼堂谈南方工作). {ChL 20.4}[4]
The People Have Lost Confidence--It is working upon wrong principles that has brought the cause of God into its present embarrassment. The people have lost confidence in those who have the management of the work. Yet we hear that the voice of the Conference is the voice of God. Every time I have heard this, I have thought it was almost blasphemy. The voice of the Conference ought to be the voice of God, but it is not, because some in connection with it are not men of faith and prayer, they are not men of elevated principle. There is not a seeking of God with the whole heart; there is not a realization of the terrible responsibility that rests upon those in this institution to mold and fashion minds after the divine similitude.--Manuscript 37, 1901, p. 8 (April, 1901, Talk by Mrs. E. G. White in the Review Chapel regarding the Southern work). {ChL 20.4}[4]
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