第11章 影响
Chap. 11-Influence
按感化力而定——天庭正在观察那些负有感化人的职位者怎样尽管家之责。所要求于管家的,乃是按照他们感化力所及的程度而定。在对待同胞时,他们应当具有为父者的态度——公正,仁慈,忠实。他们应当有基督化的品格,与弟兄精诚团结,交谊密切。(GW 495){ChL 21.1}[1]
Influence Measured--Heaven is watching to see how those occupying positions of influence fulfill their stewardship. The demands upon them as stewards are measured by the extent of their influence. In their treatment of their fellowman, they should be as fathers,--just, tender, true. They should be Christ-like in character, uniting with their brethren in the closest bonds of unity and fellowship.--Gospel Workers, p. 495. {ChL 21.1}[1]
每一句话都有影响——每一个机构里的人都要敬畏上帝,认识到祂的良善、圣洁,仁爱和平安的气氛要弥漫于每一个部门。你所说的每一句话,所做的每一件事,都将带有与天国的影响相称的感化力。基督将住在人心中,人将住在基督里。所有的工作将不会表现有限之人的性格,而是无穷上帝的品德。圣天使所带来的神圣影响将临到与工人接触的人心中。从这些工人身上将流出一种芳香的感化力,传给一切愿意吸收的人。(RH.1903.4.28) {ChL 21.2}[2]
Every Word Spoken an Influence--The fear of God, the sense of his goodness, his holiness, will circulate through every institution. An atmosphere of love and peace will pervade every department. Every word spoken, every work performed, will have an influence that corresponds to the influence of heaven. Christ will abide in humanity, and humanity will abide in Christ. In all the work will appear not the character of finite men, but the character of the infinite God. The divine influence imparted by holy angels will impress the minds brought in contact with the workers; and from these workers a fragrant influence will go forth to those who choose to inhale it.--Review and Herald, April 28, 1903. {ChL 21.2}[2]
惺惺相惜的福气——一个悔改归主的人能发挥何等大的能力,给他周围的人带来福气和快乐啊!那些在上帝的机构中负责的人要在恩典和认识上帝的事上长进。他们总要记住,口才是上帝委托给他们的,要用来帮助和造福他人。他们要自己决定是说会尊荣基督的话语还是说会妨碍听者的话语。令人愉快的、充满同情的话语,提拔人使人有力量的话语是何等大的福气啊!当有人问你问题时,你不应该生硬地作答,而应该亲切。提问之人的心中或许因一种不可告人的隐忧而非常悲伤。这可能是你不知道的,所以你的言语应该始终仁慈且表同情。用几句精选助人的话,你就能消除同工心中的某个重担。(RH.1903.4.28){ChL 21.3}[3]
The Blessings of Sympathetic Words--O what a power a converted man can exert to bring blessing and gladness to those around him! Those who bear responsibilities in God's institutions are to grow in grace and in a knowledge of divine things. Ever they are to remember that the talent of speech is entrusted to them by God for the help and blessing of others. It is left with them to decide whether they will speak words that will honor Christ, or words that will be a hindrance to those who hear. O what a blessing are pleasant, sympathetic words, words that uplift and strengthen! When asked a question one should not answer abruptly, but kindly. The heart of the one that is asking may be sorely grieved by a hidden sorrow, that may not be told. This he may not know; therefore his words should always be kind and sympathetic. By a few well-chosen, helpful words, he may remove a heavy load from a fellow worker's mind.--Review and Herald, April 28, 1903. {ChL 21.3}[3]
要为那些效学他们的人负责——领袖们不仅要为自己不圣洁的错误负责,而且要为那些效学他们榜样之人的错误负责。他们因引入错误的原则而受责备时,就表现出一种乖僻的精神,一种不愿受纠正或不愿谦卑的精神。(Ms. 1903,139. p.14 . 1903,10.23.《启示录的信息》). {ChL 21.4}[4]
Responsible for Those Who Follow Their Example--The leaders are responsible not only for their own unsanctified mistakes, but for the mistakes of those who follow their example. When reproved for bringing in wrong principles they manifest a perverse spirit, a spirit that will not be corrected or humbled.--Manuscript 139, 1903, p. 14 (Oct. 23, 1903, "The Message in Revelation"). {ChL 21.4}[4]
影响反映在百姓身上——今日的教会需要尼希米那样的人。他们不仅能祷告和讲道,而且带着坚定热忱的宗旨。这位希伯来的爱国者在完成他的计划时所采取的方针应为传道人和领袖们所效法。当他们在制定计划的时候,应当征得教会的同意和支持。要让人们了解和参与这些计划,关心其成功。尼希米工作的成功表明祈祷、信心、智慧和活力的功效。活泼的信心能促进有力的行动。领袖所表显的精神,在很大的程度上会反映在百姓身上。如果领袖们自称是相信那考验当今世代的严肃而重要的真理,却并不热心去预备人们在上帝的大日能站立得住,那么教会必然是漫不经心,闲懒和贪爱宴乐的。(ChS 177){ChL 22.1}[5]
Influence Reflected in People--There is need of Nehemiahs in the church today,--not men who can pray and preach only, but men whose prayers and sermons are braced with firm and eager purpose. The course pursued by this Hebrew patriot in the accomplishment of his plans is one that should still be adopted by ministers and leading men. When they have laid their plans, they should present them to the church in such a manner as to win their interest and co-operation. Let the people have a personal interest in its prosperity. The success attending Nehemiah's efforts shows what prayer, faith, and wise, energetic action will accomplish. Living faith will prompt to energetic action. The spirit manifested by the leader will be, to a great extent, reflected by the people. If the leaders professing to believe the solemn, important truths that are to test the world at this time, manifest no ardent zeal to prepare a people to stand in the day of God, we must expect the church to be careless, indolent, and pleasure-loving.--Christian Service, p. 177. {ChL 22.1}[5]
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