第13章 个性
Chap. 13-Individuality
允许工人有个性——若有可能,我就要使你的心思脱离已经控制你的种种欺骗。在你的工作中,你已经接受了太多的职责。我必须对你说,只要你觉得自己必须陶冶和塑造他人的经验与你自己的想法一致,你就不应充任区会会长的职务。你的行径已经表明你缺乏明智的洞察力。你所形成的品格需要重新塑造。{ChL 24.1}[1]
Workers Allowed Individuality--If it is possible, I would free your mind from the deceptions that have taken hold of you. In your work, you have embraced too much responsibility. I must say to you that you should not fill the office of president of a conference, so long as you feel that you must mold and fashion the experience of others to conform to your own ideas. Your course has revealed that you lack wise perception. The fashioning of your character is such as needs reforming. {ChL 24.1}[1]
我现在在上帝面前告诫你要做彻底悔罪改过的工作。你现在可以在上帝面前非常自卑以致能受托表现祂工作的神圣性质。但你的特性是,你若任职,就总有实行专制统治的危险。上帝禁止一个人对弟兄们的心思有专断的管辖权。(Lt. 1907.380. 1907.11.11.致一位地方区会的会长). {ChL 24.2}[2]
I now charge you before God to make thorough work of repentance and reformation. You may now so humble yourself before God that you may be trusted to represent the sacred character of His work. But your peculiarity of disposition is such that if you are in office, you will always be in danger of ruling arbitrarily. God forbids that one man shall have arbitrary jurisdiction over the minds of his brethren.--Letter 380, 1907 (Nov. 11, 1907 to a Local Conference President). {ChL 24.2}[2]
仰赖人的危险——一个大危机正在临到我们。人们若是仍旧屈服于人,象他们过去十五年来一直所做的那样,就会丧失自己的灵魂,他们的经验还会把别人带入歧途。上帝的精兵必须穿戴上帝的全副军装。我们并没有奉命穿上人的军装,而是要用上帝的力量武装自己。我们若是始终着眼于上帝的荣耀,我们的眼目就会被属天的眼药膏抹;我们就能看得更深刻,且能从远处看清世界的真相。我们看清世界的欺诈、狡猾、自私的眼前侍奉、装假、自夸、在日常生活的交往中缺乏公平诚实的行为,以及世界的贪婪妒忌时,就会采取我们的立场,言传身教地代表基督,用我们纯正的原则、坚定的正直、我们对一切装假行为的憎恶和我们圣洁勇敢地承认基督来使世人悔改归主。(Lt.1896,4. pp. 13, 15, 16 , 1896 .7.1.致担任负责工作的人). {ChL 24.3}[3]
The Danger of Looking to Men--A great crisis is coming upon us. If men still yield to men, as they have been doing for the last fifteen years, they will lose their own souls, and their example will lead others astray. God's soldiers must put on the whole armor of God. We are not required to put on human armor, but to gird ourselves with God's strength. If we keep God's glory ever in view, our eyes will be anointed with the heavenly eye salve; we will be able to look deeper, and see afar off what the world is. As we discern its dishonesty, its craftiness, its selfish eye service, its pretense, and its boasting, its want of fair honest dealing in the ordinary intercourse of life, and its grasping covetousness, we can take our stand, by precept and example, to represent Christ, and convert souls from the world by our sound principles, our firm integrity, our hatred of all dissembling, and our holy boldness in acknowledging Christ.--Letter 4, 1896, pp. 13, 15, 16 (July 1, 1896 to Men in Responsible Positions). {ChL 24.3}[3]
作工的个人方法——在上帝子民中做领袖的人也当谨防,以免误斥那般蒙主指引去做惟有少数人堪任之工的人所采用的方法。身负责任的弟兄不可急于指摘那并非绝对与自己工作方法相同的行动;也不可以为一切计划都必须迎合他们自己的个性。他们须不怕信任别人的方法;因为他们不肯信任那存着谦卑献身的热忱,遵照上帝的指派做特别工作的同工弟兄,就无异是在阻拦圣工进行了。(9T 259){ChL 25.1}[4]
Individual Methods of Labor--The leaders among God's people are to guard against the danger of condemning the methods of individual workers who are led by the Lord to do a special work that but few are fitted to do. Let brethren in responsibility be slow to criticize movements that are not in perfect harmony with their methods of labor. Let them never suppose that every plan should reflect their own personality. Let them not fear to trust another's methods; for by withholding their confidence from a brother laborer who, with humility and consecrated zeal, is doing a special work in God's appointed way, they are retarding the advancement of the Lord's cause.--Testimonies, Vol. 9, p. 259. {ChL 25.1}[4]
宽广的理念与见解——我有一道信息要传给在南加州分会负责的一些人。他们已经丧失了圣灵临格所必使人具有的真正热沈的经验,这种热忱会教导他们折服自我,谦卑地行在基督的道路中。负有责任却不愿谦卑地跟从基督的人,会影响和塑造区会的经验至于凡俗低劣的标准,从而对上帝的圣工造成大伤害。若是本着献身的精神去做我们所经管的神圣工作,就不会使任何一个人的经验变得低劣。{ChL 25.2}[5]
Broad Ideas and Views--I have a message to bear to some who hold positions of responsibility in the Southern California Conference. They have lost from their experience that true fervor which the presence of the Holy Spirit gives, and which would teach them to subdue self and walk humbly in the way of Christ. The responsible worker who will not become a humble follower of Christ will do great harm to the cause of God, by molding and fashioning the experience of the conference to a common, cheap standard. The sacred work that we handle will never, if performed in a spirit of consecration, cheapen the experience of a single soul. {ChL 25.2}[5]
人若没有宽广的理念与见解,就不适合作区会会长或上帝子民中的领袖。那些在圣工中负责的人有特权有责任在基督的门下学习。自称跟从基督的人不可随从自己的意志;他的心思必须受训练去想基督所想,并且蒙启迪领悟上帝的旨意和道路。这样的信徒才会学习基督的工作方法。(Lt. 1907, 276.pp. 1, 2 . 1907.9.5. 致伯登). {ChL 25.3}[6]
That man is unfit to be the president of a conference or a leader among God's people who has not broad ideas and views. It is the privilege and duty of those who bear responsibilities in the cause to become learners in Christ's school. The professed follower of Christ must not follow the dictates of his own will; his mind must be trained to think Christ's thoughts, and enlightened to comprehend the will and way of God. Such a believer will be a learner of Christ's methods of work.--Letter 276, 1907, pp. 1, 2 (Sept. 5, 1907 to J. A. Burden). {ChL 25.3}[6]
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