第24章 责备错误
Chap. 24-Reproving Wrong
反对有时——当教会中有人爱财富过于爱公义时,并且随时准备用不公正的交易占同胞的便宜时,我们难道不要提出反对吗?当位居领袖和教师职位的人在招魂术的观念和诡辩权势下作工时,难道我们要保持沉默,因害怕损害他们的感化力而任由生灵被诱骗吗?撒但会利用他所能获得的一切优势蒙蔽和混乱人心,使他们不明白教会的工作,不明白上帝的道,也不明白祂藉着圣灵的证言所赐、为要保护祂小小的羊群免中仇敌诡计的警告。(Ms, 1904,72. p. 6.) {ChL 62.1}[1]
A Time To Protest--When there are men in the church who love riches more than righteousness, and who stand ready to take advantage of their fellow-men by unjust dealings, shall we make no protest? And when men standing in the position of leaders and teachers work under the power of spiritualistic ideas and sophistries, shall we keep silent, for fear of injuring their influence, while souls are being beguiled? Satan will use every advantage that he can obtain to cause souls to become clouded and perplexed in regard to the work of the church, in regard to the word of God, and in regard to the words of warning which He has given through the testimonies of His Spirit, to guard His little flock from the subtleties of the enemy.--Manuscript 72, 1904, p. 6. {ChL 62.1}[1]
秉公义纠正人——当传道人必须去做纠正的工作时,他应该很小心,公义而聪明地行事。他不可在那些不知道真理的人面前严厉地公然谴责犯错的人。未悔改的人会根据这种行为判断上帝的仆人,断定这不可能是上帝的作为。那些与我们信仰不同却信服真理的人,既看到自称顺从真理的传道人之间缺乏团结,就会关闭心门,说:我们不需要这种事。这样,不圣洁的言论就使人转离了真理,并且树立了一个榜样,敞开了道路,使真理和公义的事被贬低到尘埃。我们的工人在受试探要说出批评与论断的急躁之言时,应该记住沉默是金。(RH. 1907. 11.14){ChL 62.2}[2]
Correct in Righteousness--When it becomes necessary for a minister to do a work of correction, he should be very careful to act righteously and wisely. He is not to denounce the erring harshly before those who know not the truth. The unconverted judge the servants of God by such actions, and conclude that this can not be the work of God. Those who are not of our faith but who are convicted of the truth, when they see a lack of unity among the ministers who claim to be obeying the truth, close the door of their hearts, saying, We want none of these things. Thus by the exercise of unsanctified speech, souls are turned from the truth, and an example given that opens the way for the things of truth and righteousness to be lowered in the dust. Our workers, when tempted to speak hasty words of criticism and judgment, should remember that silence is golden.--Review and Herald, November 14, 1907. {ChL 62.2}[2]
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