第29章 资金
Chap. 29-Finances
忠心的管家——疏忽就等于抢夺——愿所有敬畏上帝的人都来帮助耶和华,表明自己是忠心的管家。真理必须传到世界各地。我蒙指示,我们教会中有许多人都在十分之一和供物上抢夺上帝之物。上帝必照祂所宣布的执行在他们身上。对顺从的人,祂必赐丰富的福气;对违背的人,必予以咒诅。每一个向我们的各教会传达真理信息的人,都必须藉着警告、教育、责备来尽自己的责任。任何玩忽职守抢夺上帝之物,都会给失职者带来咒诅。(TM 307){ChL 71.1}[1]
Faithful Stewards--Neglect is Robbery--Let all who fear God come up to the help of the Lord, and show themselves faithful stewards. The truth must go to all parts of the world. I have been shown that many in our churches are robbing God in tithes and offerings. God will execute upon them just that which He has declared. To the obedient, He will give rich blessings; to the transgressor, a curse. Every man who bears the message of truth to our churches, must do his duty by warning, educating, rebuking. Any neglect of duty which is a robbery toward God, means a curse upon the delinquent.--Testimonies to Ministers, p. 307. {ChL 71.1}[1]
忠心地缴纳十分之一——这不是人的一个要求,而是上帝的律例,藉以维持和推进祂在地上的工作。上帝帮助我们悔改。祂说:“你们要转向我,我就转向你们”(玛3:7)。有希望尽自己本分的人在本章中会看到以清楚的思路规定的本分。不向主交纳十分之一和供物的人是无可推诿的。(TM 307){ChL 71.2}[2]
Faithful in Paying Tithes--This is not a request of man; it is one of God's ordinances, whereby His work may be sustained and carried on in the world. God help us to repent. "Return unto Me," He says, "and I will return unto You." Men who have a desire to do their duty, have it all laid down in clear lines in this chapter. No one can excuse himself from paying his tithes and offerings to the Lord.--Testimonies to Ministers, p. 307. {ChL 71.2}[2]
资金应由有能力的生意人来管理——--让那些有以大能传扬福音这种恩赐的传道人经常从事业务工作,这乃是一种极大的错误。{ChL 71.3}[3]
Finances to Be Managed By Business Men--It is a great mistake to keep a minister who is gifted with power to preach the gospel, constantly at work in business matters. {ChL 71.3}[3]
能提供生命之道的人不可将太多负担担在自己身上。他必须花时间研究圣经和自省。他若严格省察自己的心,把自己献给主,就会更好的明白如何去领悟上帝的隐秘事。……这一事业的资金应该由有能力的生意人来适当地管理;而传道人则应分别出来从事另一战线的工作。要让资金问题的管理落在别人身上,而不是那些分别出来作传道工作的人身上。……{ChL 71.4}[4]
He who holds forth the Word of life is not to allow too many burdens to be placed upon him. He must take time to study the Word and to examine self. If he closely searches his own heart, and gives himself to the Lord, he will better understand how to grasp the hidden things of God . . . . The finances of the cause are to be properly managed by business men of ability; but preachers and evangelists are set apart for another line of work. Let the management of financial matters rest on others than those set apart for the work of preaching the gospel . . . . {ChL 71.4}[4]
我们的负责人,有时让缺少机敏及无才能的人去担任处理经济的重责,这实在是做错了。一个人适合一个职位,不一定使他有资格去充任另一个职位。经验是极宝贵的。主愿意有聪明能干的人来参加圣工,祂要配负各种责任的人在我们的区会及机构中作工。我们尤其需要那愿在处理各种事物上实行真理原则的献身事务的人才。凡管理经济事务的人,不应承担其他责任,这是他负不起的;我们也不可将处理事务的重责,交托给不能胜任的人。(RH, 1905.10.5) {ChL 71.5}[5]
Those in charge of the work have erred sometimes in permitting the appointment of men devoid of business tact and ability to manage important financial interests. A man's fitness for one position does not always qualify him to fill another position. Experience is of great value. The Lord desires to have men of intelligence connected with His work,--men qualified for various positions of trust in our conferences and institutions. Especially are consecrated business men needed,--men who will carry the principles of truth into every business transaction. Those placed in charge of financial matters should not assume other burdens,--burdens that they are incapable of bearing; nor is the business management to be entrusted to incompetent men.--Review and Herald, Oct. 5, 1905. {ChL 71.5}[5]
要智慧地投放资金——凡担任负责工作的人务要把他所经手的钱看作是上帝的财产,使用时要节约。库里的钱如果多起来了,也不要用来在已有上帝纪念标志的地方再兴建大楼。有许许多多其他的地方需要这一笔钱,在那里也可设立机构传扬真理。主葡萄园的每一部分都需要开发。不要把使用和支付主的钱财的权力交给任何一个人来决定。(MM 164,165){ChL 72.1}[6]
Funds to be Wisely Invested--The men in positions of trust should regard the means they handle as God's revenue, and use it in an economical manner. When there is an abundance in the treasury, they are not to invest it in adding building to building in places already provided with memorials for God. Hundreds of other places are in need of this money, that they, too, may have something established to represent the truth. All parts of the Lord's vineyard are to be worked. The power to use and disburse the Lord's money is not to be left to the judgment of any one man.--Medical Ministry, pp. 164, 165. {ChL 72.1}[6]
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