第30章 勇气
Chap. 30-Courage
需要成年人,而不是孩子——在这两个区会中,必须有愿意聪明行事并负责任的成年人,而不是孩子。要让人听到他们的声音,超越不忠心的人反对、怀疑和批评的声音。不可让孩子来管理重大的事务。一个不成熟的基督徒,在宗教上未能充分成长,没有来自上头的智慧,没有预备好应付教会经常蒙召要经历的种种剧烈冲突。“耶路撒冷啊,我在你城上设立守望的,他们昼夜必不静默”(赛62:6)。传道人若不能无畏地传讲全部真理,不专注于上帝的荣耀并在他们救恩的伟大元帅指引下作工,不站到前线、不顾责难也不被谄媚所玷污,就会被算为不忠心的守望者。{ChL 73.1}[1]
Not Boys But Men--There must be in these conferences, not children, but men who will move understandingly and bear burdens, letting their voice be heard above the voices of the unfaithful, who present objections, doubts, and criticism. Great interests are not to be managed by children. An undeveloped Christian, dwarfed in religious growth, destitute of wisdom from above, is unprepared to meet the fierce conflicts through which the church is often called to pass. "I have set watchmen upon thy walls, O Jerusalem, which shall never hold their peace day nor night." Unless the minister shall fearlessly declare the whole truth, unless he shall have an eye single to the glory of God and shall work under the direction of the great Captain of his salvation, unless he shall move to the front, irrespective of censure and uncontaminated by applause, he will be accounted an unfaithful watchman. {ChL 73.1}[1]
在某地的一些人应当长大成人,不再作小孩。……{ChL 73.2}[2]
There are some in _____ who ought to be men instead of boys . . . . {ChL 73.2}[2]
当上帝兴起人来做祂的工作时,他们若让自己的见证迎合未成圣之人的心,就是不忠于所受的委托。主会为各个时期预备人。他们必是谦卑、敬畏上帝的人,不是保守而用权谋的人;是在道德上独立自主,以对主的敬畏前进的人。他们必是仁慈、高尚、谦恭有礼的人。他们不会偏离正路,而会本着公义传讲真理,无论人们听从还是抵制。(5T 262,263 ){ChL 73.3}[3]
When God raises up men to do His work, they are false to their trust if they allow their testimony to be shaped to please the minds of the unconsecrated. He will prepare men for the times. They will be humble, God-fearing men, not conservative, not policy men; but men who have moral independence and will move forward in the fear of the Lord. They will be kind, noble, courteous, yet they will not be swayed from the right path, but will proclaim the truth in righteousness whether men will hear or whether they will forbear.--Testimonies, Vol. 5, pp. 262-263. {ChL 73.3}[3]
行动的人——主征集召之即来的战士。他们不论得时不得时,都准备说引人注意并感服人心的话。上帝的国不在于外表。遵行自私的计划不会得到亮光。惟有藉着仰望耶稣,跟随基督的引导,而不是随从人的猜测,才能领受亮光。上帝的国乃是公义、和平和圣灵里的喜乐。环境的变化往往需要采取迅速的行动来应对。有时因为耽搁,宝贵的机会就失去了。本该迅速采取行动的人觉得需要先跟某一个远在他乡、不熟悉真实状况的人商量。许多时间就这样浪费在向无法给出明智忠告的人请教上了。但愿上帝所有的工人都受那指出他们本分的真理之道所引导,毫无疑问地遵行基督所赐的指示。(TM 497,498){ChL 73.4}[4]
Men of Action--The Lord calls for minutemen, men who will be prepared to speak words in season and out of season that will arrest the attention and convict the heart. The kingdom of God consisteth not in outward show. Light will not be received by following selfish plans, but by looking unto Jesus, following Christ's leadings, not the suppositions of men. The kingdom of God is righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Ghost. It often happens that circumstances arise which demand prompt action. And sometimes precious opportunities have been lost because of delay. The one who should have acted promptly felt that he must first consult with some one who was far away and who was unacquainted with the true conditions. Much time has thus been lost in asking advice and counsel from men who were not in a position to give wise counsel. Let all God's workers be guided by the word of truth which points out their duty, following implicitly the directions Christ has given.--Testimonies to Ministers, pp. 497, 498. {ChL 73.4}[4]
领袖应有参战的勇气——上帝呼吁这两个区会的每一个信徒要醒悟并悔改。弟兄们,你们的世俗,不信和抱怨,使你们处于任何人都极难在你们中间作工的地步。虽然你们的会长疏忽了自己的工作,没能尽责,但你们的态度一点儿也不能给他鼓励。负责的人本应表明自己是属上帝的人,根据要求进行督责、劝诫和鼓励,无论你们愿意接受还是拒绝他的见证。但他很容易就灰心了,丢下你们,没有给你们一个基督忠心的传道人原应给予的帮助。他没能跟上上帝敞开的天意,没能向你们说明你们的本分,也没能训练你们合乎时代的要求;但传道人的疏忽不该使你们灰心,为自己疏忽职守找藉口。你们这方面更需要活力和忠诚。(5T 281){ChL 74.1}[5]
Leader Must Have Courage To Do Battle--God calls upon the individual members of the churches in these two Conferences to arouse and be converted. Brethren, your worldliness, your distrust, your murmurings, have placed you in such a position that it will be exceedingly difficult for any one to labor among you. While your president neglected his work and failed in his duty, your attitude was not such as to give him any encouragement. The one in authority should have acquitted himself as a man of God, reproving, exhorting, encouraging, as the case demanded, whether you would receive or reject his testimony. But he was easily discouraged, and left you without the help that a faithful minister of Christ should have given. He failed in not keeping up with the opening providence of God, and in not showing you your duty and educating you up to the demands of the time; but the minister's neglect should not dishearten you, and lead you to excuse yourselves for neglecting duty. There is the more need of energy and fidelity on your part.--Testimonies, Vol. 5, p. 281. {ChL 74.1}[5]
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