第03章 基督化的领导
Chap. 03-Christian Leadership
基督化的领导——祈祷的领导——作领袖之人的工作不是容易的。他们应该在每一次的困难中想起祷告的必要,每一次求问那作为一切智慧之源的主。他们既能从那位大工师得着力量和光照,就必能毅然决然地抵制不圣洁的影响,并能分别善恶、辨明是非。他们必能赞许上帝所赞许的,并竭力提防免得祂的圣工受错误原则的影响。(PK 31){ChL 4.1}[1]
Christian Leadership - Praying Leadership--The path of men who are placed as leaders is not an easy one. But they are to see in every difficulty a call to prayer. Never are they to fail of consulting the great Source of all wisdom. Strengthened and enlightened by the Master Worker, they will be enabled to stand firm against unholy influences and to discern right from wrong, good from evil. They will approve that which God approves, and will strive earnestly against the introduction of wrong principles into His cause.--Prophets and Kings, p. 31. {ChL 4.1}[1]
基督化的领导与上帝联络——凡参加上帝工作的人,除非能将自己所享受的宗教权力予以最善的利用,就不能为圣工作可蒙悦纳的服务。我们好像是栽种在主园中的树;祂来到我们这里寻找祂分所应得的果子。祂的眼目鉴察我们各人;祂了解我们的心,明白我们的生活。这是一种严肃的查验,因为这是有关本分及命运的;祂是何其关切地进行着这工作呢。{ChL 4.2}[2]
Christian Leadership is in Touch With God--Those engaged in the work of God cannot serve His cause acceptably unless they make the best use possible of the religious privileges they enjoy. We are as trees planted in the garden of the Lord; and He comes to us seeking the fruit He has a right to expect. His eye is upon each of us; He reads our hearts and understands our lives. This is a solemn search, for it has reference to duty and to destiny; and with what interest is it prosecuted. {ChL 4.2}[2]
但愿每位负有圣托的人自省道:“我怎样应付上帝鉴察的眼目呢?我的心是清洁没有污秽么?在我心灵之殿的院内,是否这样堕落,这样充斥着营利之徒,甚至基督找不到空地呢?”业务的忙乱若长此下去,就会枯萎灵性,并使人失去基督了。{ChL 4.3}[3]
Let each of those to whom are committed sacred trusts inquire: "How do I meet the inspecting eye of God? Is my heart cleansed from its defilement? or have its temple courts become so desecrated, so occupied with buyers and sellers, that Christ finds no room?" The bustle of business, if continuous, will dry up spirituality and leave the soul Christless. {ChL 4.3}[3]
他们虽可自称相信真理,若天天没有与上帝作活泼的联络,就必被引诱去行许多奇异的事;并会作许多不合上帝的旨意的决断。我们作领袖的弟兄们如果随自己的冲动行事,乃是不安全的。他们必不是与基督同负一轭,所以就不能与祂和谐地一致行动。他们必看不出也不明白圣工的需要,撒但要影响他们去采取那将引致阻碍及困难的立场。(5T 423){ChL 4.4}[4]
Although they may profess the truth, yet if men pass along day by day with no living connection with God, they will be led to do strange things; decisions will be made not in accordance with the will of God. There is no safety for our leading brethren while they shall go forward according to their own impulses. They will not be yoked up with Christ, and so will not move in harmony with Him. They will be unable to see and realize the wants of the cause, and Satan will move upon them to take positions that will embarrass and hinder.--Testimonies, Vol. 5, p. 423. {ChL 4.4}[4]
仰望耶稣——人的能力和职权无论多么高,撒但都会用试探攻击他。一个人的职责越多,仇敌的袭击也就越猛烈越坚决。上帝的仆人们在每一个地方都要学习圣经,不断仰望耶稣,以便改变成祂的形像。基督取之不竭的丰富与全备是由我们支配的,只要我们以谦卑痛悔的心行在上帝面前。(Ms. 1902. 140){ChL 5.1}[5]
Looking to Jesus--No man is so high in power and authority but that Satan will assail him with temptation. And the more responsible the position a man occupies, the fiercer and more determined are the assaults of the enemy. Let God's servants in every place study His word, looking constantly to Jesus, that they may be changed into His image. The inexhaustible fullness and the all-sufficiency of Christ are at our command if we walk before God in humility and contrition.--Manuscript 140, 1902. {ChL 5.1}[5]
领袖是祈祷的人——区会会长们,你们如果决定到上帝面前来,就是聪明的人。要相信祂。祂必听你们的祈祷,也必来帮助你们,比起一个,两个,三个或四个人从很远的地方化许多钱乘车过来,解决智慧的上帝本可以更好解决的问题要快得多。祂应许说:“你们中间若有缺少智慧的,应当求那厚赐与众人、也不斥责人的上帝,主就必赐给他”(雅1:5)。你如果愿意真诚地在祂面前谦卑己心,倒空自高之念,抛弃品格本性的缺点,克服追求高位的心,并象小孩子那样来到上帝面前,祂就会把祂的圣灵赐给你。当两三个人奉耶稣的名同心合意求主什么事时,这事必为他们成就。(TM 323, 324) {ChL 5.2}[6]
Leaders - Men of Prayer--Presidents of conferences, you will be wise if you will decide to come to God. Believe in Him. He will hear your prayer, and come to your assistance, in much less time than the public conveyance could take one, two, three, or four men from a long distance, at a great expense, to decide questions which the God of wisdom can decide far better for you. He has promised, "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him." If you will sincerely humble your hearts before Him, empty your souls of self-esteem, and put away the natural defects of your character, and overcome your love of supremacy, and come to God as little children, He will bestow on you His Holy Spirit. When two or three shall agree as touching anything, and shall ask the Lord, in the name of Jesus, it shall be done for them.--Testimonies to Ministers, pp. 323, 324. {ChL 5.2}[6]
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