第07章 正直
Chap. 07-Integrity
一些人有道德勇气的代价——任何一个有道德勇气一针见血地揭露这些事情,不肯被拉进为不警惕的人所铺设的网罗,不愿一声不吭就被人抢夺的人,不会受到那些与他们意见不同之人的青睐。不愿支持勒索和两面派行为的议事会和董事会成员,不会接到出席讨论这些计划的会议邀请。(Lt1896,4. pp. 13, 15, 16 . 1896.7.1. 致身居负责岗位的人).
What Moral Courage Cost Some Men--Anyone who has had courage--moral courage to call these things by their right name, and who has refused to be drawn into the net spread for the unwary, who would not be robbed without making a protest, were not looked upon with favor by those with whom they disagreed. Members of councils and boards who would not uphold exaction and double-dealing, but who took a firm stand for the right, were not invited to be present at the meetings where these plans were discussed.--Letter 4, 1896, pp. 13, 15, 16 (July 1, 1896 To Men in Responsible Positions). {ChL 15.1}[1]
精明算计的代价——但愿我们记住,分歧不和与刻薄的交易绝不能使上帝的机构富足。上帝用祂的天意安排拿走通过精明算计赚到的钱。刻薄的行为总是引起不满与分裂。人们便缺乏了信任,总是感到有人正设法在交易中占别人的便宜。有些人设法达成不公不义的协议,因为他们以为自己能这么做,也愿意这么做。现在要根除已经进来数年的错误原则。要让爱弟兄的心获胜。凡以为通过刻薄的行为和属世策略可使圣工获利的人并不荣耀上帝。祂一点不会接受这种奉献。上帝恨恶一切诸如此类的表现。(Ms. 1901,16. p. 14 .1901.2.25. 给巴特尔克里克教会的证言). {ChL 15.2}[2]
The Cost of Sharp Devising--Let us remember that variance and sharp dealing never serve the cause to enrich God's institutions. By His providences God takes away the money gained by sharp devices. Always by sharp practice dissatisfaction and disunion are created. Lack of confidence comes in. There is a constant impression that someone is trying to get the best of someone else in trade. There are those who try to make terms that are not just and righteous, because they think they can do this, and they will do it. Let the wrong principles which have been coming in for years now be cut out by the roots. Let brotherly love prevail. Those who think by sharp practice and worldly policy to get gain for the cause do not glorify God. He will not accept a jot or tittle of such offerings. God hates all such demonstrations.--Manuscript 16, 1901, p. 14 (Feb. 25, 1901 Testimony to the Battle Creek Church). {ChL 15.2}[2]
职位并不造就人——但职位并不造就人。只有正直的品格和基督的精神,才能使人感恩、无私、没有偏见、没有假冒,在上帝面前有价值。对于那些生命与基督一同藏在上帝里面的人,主说:“看哪,我将你铭刻在我掌上;你的墙垣常在我眼前”(赛49:16)。{ChL 15.3}[3]
Position Does Not Make the Man--But the position does not make the man. It is the integrity of character, the spirit of Christ, that makes him thankful, unselfish, without partiality and without hypocrisy--it is this that is of value with God. To those whose life is hid with Christ in God, the Lord says, "Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms of My hands; thy walls are continually before Me." {ChL 15.3}[3]
对于一切身居负责岗位的人,我有一道耶和华亲口所说的信息,那就是《以赛亚书》第五十五章。要研究这章经文。任何人都不要以为,因自己在工作部门中负有更重大的职责,就居于同工之上。他如果象但以理那样,寻求唯独来自上帝的能力,好使他不表现自己,不在自私和欺诈的习惯上表现自己的不完全,而是表现公义中的真理,就不会有丝毫的骄傲或自大,而会被上帝智慧的灵所充满。(TM 356,357){ChL 15.4}[4]
For all in responsible positions I have a message spoken by the mouth of the Lord--the fifty-fifth chapter of Isaiah. Study this chapter, and let not any human being consider that he is above his fellow workers because greater responsibilities are involved in his branch of the work. If he is like Daniel, seeking for the power that comes alone from God, that he may represent, not himself, not his imperfections in selfish and fraudulent practices, but the truth in righteousness, he will not possess a vestige of pride or self-importance; but will be weighted with the spirit of wisdom from God.--Testimonies to Ministers, pp. 356, 357. {ChL 15.4}[4]
要不惜任何代价保持正直——我们在处理上帝的圣工,经办神圣的事务时,要极其小心,谨防不敬的精神,决不要为了急于推广自己的观点而妄解上帝的话。要不惜自己的任何代价保持荣誉、正直和真诚。我们的一切思想和言行都要顺服基督的旨意。(GW 447){ChL 16.1}[5]
Integrity Preserved at All Costs--In our business connection with the work of God, and in handling sacred things, we cannot be too careful, to guard against a spirit of irreverence; never, for an instant, should the work of God be used deceitfully, to carry a point which we are anxious to see succeed. Honor, integrity, and truth must be preserved at any cost to self. Our every thought, word, and action should be subject to the will of Christ.--Gospel Workers, p. 447. {ChL 16.1}[5]
没有不光明的行为——不以卑劣的方式做任何事;而要光明磊落如白昼一样,忠于弟兄和姐妹,照你希望基督对待你的那样对待你的弟兄姐妹。你若拥有基督的灵,就不会注意轻视怠慢,也不会重视想象出来的伤害。(RH. 1895.5.14) {ChL 16.2}[6]
No Under-handed Dealings--Do nothing in an underhanded manner; be open as the day, true to your brethren and sisters, dealing with them as you wish Christ to deal with you. If you had the Spirit of Christ, you would not notice slights and make much of fancied injuries.--Review and Herald, May 14, 1895. {ChL 16.2}[6]
要很有骨气——上帝的工作要求具有高尚道德能力的人来推进。如今所需要的乃是内心中充满圣洁热情的人,拥有坚定宗旨不能轻易动摇的人,他们能放下一切私利,为十字架和冠冕舍弃一切。现代真理的圣工亟需忠于正义感和责任感的人,他们很有骨气,道德高尚,他们的活力与上帝所显明的旨意相称。这样的资质比投入到上帝圣工中数不尽的财富更有价值。活力,气节和维护正义的坚定宗旨,是千金难买的品质。具有这些品质的人无论在哪里都会有感化力。他们的生活比卓越的雄辩更有说服力。上帝呼召有心有思想,道德高尚的人,祂能使他们成为真理的保管者,他们会在自己的日常生活中正确地代表上帝真理的神圣原则。(3T 23){ChL 17.1}[7]
Moral Integrity Must be Firm--The work of God calls for men of high moral powers to engage in its promulgation. Men are wanted whose hearts are nerved with holy fervor, men of strong purpose who are not easily moved, who can lay down every selfish interest and give all for the cross and the crown. The cause of present truth is suffering for men who are loyal to a sense of right and duty, whose moral integrity is firm and whose energy is equal to the opening providence of God. Such qualifications as these are of more value than untold wealth invested in the work and cause of God. Energy, moral integrity, and strong purpose for the right are qualities that cannot be supplied with any amount of gold. Men possessing these qualifications will have influence everywhere. Their lives will be more powerful than lofty eloquence. God calls for men of heart, men of mind, men of moral integrity, whom He can make the depositories of His truth, and who will correctly represent its sacred principles in their daily life.--Testimonies, Vol. 3, p. 23. {ChL 17.1}[7]
严格的正直——按照基督的尺度,一个诚实的人,是会表现出严格的正直。许多人用欺人的法码和虚伪的天平骗取今生的利益,在上帝的眼中是可憎的。可惜许多自称遵守上帝诫命的人也用虚伪的法码与天平。人若真与上帝联络,真是遵守主的律法,他的生活必要显出实情来;因为他的一切行动都必与基督的教训相合。他必不为得利出卖自己的荣誉。他的原则是建立于稳妥的根基之上,他在世俗事务上的行为,乃是他原则的反映。在世俗的渣滓垃圾之中,坚定的正直却要发光如金。欺诈,虚伪和不信实的行为,虽可蒙蔽人的眼目,但却不能蒙蔽上帝的眼目。那观察人品格发展,及衡量人道德价值的天使,要把这些表现人品格的小作为登记在天上的簿册中。如果一个工人在其日常职业生活上不忠实,或怠慢其工作,世人若按他的办事标准来估量他的宗教标准,这种评估并非不正确。(4T 310,311){ChL 17.2}[8]
Unbending Integrity--An honest man, according to Christ's measurement, is one who will manifest unbending integrity. Deceitful weights and false balances, with which many seek to advance their interests in the world, are abomination in the sight of God. Yet many who profess to keep the commandments of God are dealing with false weights and false balances. When a man is indeed connected with God, and is keeping His law in truth, his life will reveal the fact; for all his actions will be in harmony with the teachings of Christ. He will not sell his honor for gain. His principles are built upon the sure foundation, and his conduct in worldly matters is a transcript of his principles. Firm integrity shines forth as gold amid the dross and rubbish of the world. Deceit, falsehood, and unfaithfulness may be glossed over and hidden from the eyes of man, but not from the eyes of God. The angels of God, who watch the development of character and weigh moral worth, record in the books of heaven these minor transactions which reveal character. If a workman in the daily vocations of life is unfaithful and slights his work, the world will not judge incorrectly if they estimate his standard in business.--Testimonies, Vol. 4, pp. 310, 311. {ChL 17.2}[8]
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