第08章 能力
Chap. 08-Ability
头脑冷静、感觉健全——当今之时,上帝的圣工所需要的是具有奇才谋略及善治事务的男女;他们是能忍耐彻底查究各地圣工的需要;有能力多作事;有热心、爱心、头脑冷静、感觉健全、不存偏见;被上帝的灵所圣化,能对各种提议都坦然直说不成,或说可以及同意的人,有坚强的说服力、清明的理解力、心地纯全、富于同情、能实践“你们都是弟兄”(太23:8)的圣训,以及能奋力救拔恢复堕落人类的人。(7T 249){ChL 18.1}[1]
Cool Heads and Sound Sense--At this time God's cause is in need of men and women who possess rare qualifications and good administrative powers; men and women who will make patient, thorough investigation of the needs of the work in various fields; those who have a large capacity for work; those who possess warm, kind hearts, cool heads, sound sense, and unbiased judgment; those who are sanctified by the Spirit of God, and can fearlessly say, No, or Yea and amen to propositions; those who have strong convictions, clear understanding, and pure, sympathetic hearts; those who practice the words, "All ye are brethren; those who strive to uplift and restore fallen humanity."--Testimonies, Vol. 7, p. 249. {ChL 18.1}[1]
智慧和能力——凡负责上帝圣工任何部门的人应当是聪明而能成功地管理大事业的人。要有温和的性情,基督化的忍耐和完全的自制。只有内心被基督的恩典所改变的人,才能成为合格的领导人。(MM 164,165){ChL 18.2}[2]
Intelligence and Ability--The man at the head of any work in God's cause is to be a man of intelligence, a man capable of managing large interests successfully, a man of even temper, Christlike forbearance, and perfect self-control. He only whose heart is transformed by the grace of Christ can be a proper leader.--Medical Ministry, pp. 164, 165. {ChL 18.2}[2]
需要可靠的才能——那些受托管理更重要地区的人应该具有可靠的才能。他们应该是能够负责任的人。让几个人从事这项工作会比较明智。不应该让一个人监管重要却被忽视的园地。我们的传道人既有证言摆在面前,却从那边过去了,去找更有利的地方,到已有教会建立起来的地方。已经做了偷懒的工作。(Ms. 1901,34. p. 3 . 1901,4.20. 《我们年长的工人》). {ChL 18.3}[3]
Solid Ability Called For--Those who are entrusted with the management of the more important districts should have solid ability. They should be men who are able to carry responsibilities. It would be wisdom for several men to take this work. One man should not be left to oversee the important but neglected fields. With the testimonies before them, our ministers have passed by on the other side, to seek more favorable places, where churches have been raised up. Slothful work has been done.--Manuscript 34, 1901, p. 3 (April 20, 1901, "Our Aged Workers"). {ChL 18.3}[3]
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