第03章 该隐和亚伯
Chap. 3—Cain and Abel
亚当的两个儿子,该隐和亚伯,在性格方面大不相同。亚伯敬畏上帝。该隐却怀有悖逆的情绪,并且因那向亚当所宣布的咒诅,又因为他的罪使地受咒诅,而埋怨上帝。该隐和亚伯曾经受教,明白有关拯救人类所作的安排。他们奉命要实行一种谦卑顺命的制度,就是宰杀羊群中头生的,带着血正式地献给上帝作为燔祭,藉此表示他们尊崇上帝,并且信赖那位应许的救赎主。这个牺牲将要导使他们不断地想起自己的罪,以及那位要来为人类作伟大牺牲的救赎主。{3SG 47.1}[1]
Cain and Abel, the sons of Adam, were very unlike in character. Abel feared God. Cain cherished rebellious feelings, and murmured against God because of the curse pronounced upon Adam, and because the ground was cursed for his sin. These brothers had been instructed in regard to the provision made for the salvation of the human race. They were required to carry out a system of humble obedience, showing their reverence for God, and their faith and dependence upon the promised Redeemer, by slaying the firstlings of the flock, and solemnly presenting it with the blood, as a burnt-offering to God. This sacrifice would lead them to continually keep in mind their sin, and the Redeemer to come, who was to be the great sacrifice to man.{3SG 47.1}[1]
该隐将他的供物献在主面前,但心中对于上帝所应许的牺牲却充满了怨尤和不信。他不愿严格地遵循顺命的计划,去取一只羔羊,将它和地里的出产一同献上。他仅仅拿来地里的出产,而无视上帝的要求。上帝曾向亚当说明:若不流血,罪就不得赦免。该隐并不特别留意,甚至也不献上最优良的土产,亚伯劝他的哥哥不可不带祭牲的血到主面前来。该隐身为兄长,不愿听他弟弟的话。他藐视他的劝诫,并对献祭仪式的必要心存怀疑与埋怨之念,献上了他的供物。但是上帝却不悦纳。{3SG 47.2}[2]
Cain brought his offering unto the Lord with murmuring and infidelity in his heart in regard to the promised Sacrifice. He was unwilling to strictly follow the plan of obedience,and procure a lamb and offer it with the fruit of the ground. He merely took of the fruit of the ground and disregarded the requirement of God. God had made known to Adam that without shedding of blood there could be no remission for sin. Cain was not particular to bring even the best of the fruits. Abel advised his brother not to come before the Lord without the blood of a sacrifice. Cain being the eldest, would not listen to his brother. He despised his counsel, and with doubt and murmuring in regard to the necessity of the ceremonial offerings, he presented his offering. But God did not accept it.{3SG 47.2}[2]
亚伯遵照上帝所吩咐的,带来他羊群中头生的和羊的脂油,并对那位要来的弥赛亚充满信心,以谦卑地敬畏献上了自己的供物。上帝看中了他的供物。有一道光从天上闪下来,将亚伯的供物烧尽了。该隐却看不到什么证明表示他的供物已蒙悦纳,于是他对耶和华并对他兄弟发怒了,但上帝竟屈就该隐,差遣天使来与他谈话。{3SG 48.1}[3]
Abel brought of the firstlings of his flock, and of the fat as God had commanded; and in full faith of the Messiah to come, and with humble reverence, he presented the offering. God had respect unto his offering. A light flashes from Heaven and consumes the offering of Abel. Cain sees no manifestation that his is accepted. He is angry with the Lord, and with his brother. God condescends to send an angel to Cain to converse with him.{3SG 48.1}[3]
天使询问他发怒的原因,并且告诉他如果他行的对,并遵从上帝所赐予的指示,祂就必悦纳并看重他的供物。但如果他不肯谦虚地顺服上帝的安排,相信而且听从祂,祂就不能接受他的供物。天使告诉该隐,上帝不看重他的供物,并不是因为上帝方面的不公平或偏爱亚伯,而是因为他自己的罪和违背上帝明令的行为——而且如果他行的对,他就必蒙上帝的悦纳,他的兄弟也应听他,况且他应当起带头作用,因为他是兄长。但就在该隐受了如此忠实的教导之后,他依然没有悔改。他非但没有因自己的不信而自责自恨,反而还要埋怨上帝不公和偏心。他因嫉妒与恨恶,竟与亚伯争论起来并且责怪他。亚伯谦和地指出他哥哥的过失,并向他说明错处全在乎他自己。但该隐自从上帝表示悦纳他兄弟的时候起就恨恶他。他的兄弟亚伯设法力陈上帝如何在原可让立即死亡临到他们的父母身上时,竟救了他们的性命,显明上帝的慈悲,借此平息该隐的忿怒。他告诉该隐上帝爱他们,否则祂不会赐下祂无罪而圣洁的儿子,来担当人类因自己违法所应承当的忿怒。亚伯在为上帝的计划辩护时,该隐却因而激怒,他向亚伯所怀的愤恨越来越剧烈,结果竟在盛怒之下将他杀死了。上帝向该隐问到他的兄弟,该隐说出了一句罪恶的谎言:“我不知道,我岂是看守我兄弟的吗?”上帝告诉该隐祂知道他的罪——祂熟悉他的每一行动,甚至洞悉他心中的思想意念,便对他说:“你兄弟的血有声音从地里向我哀告,地开了口,从你手里接受你兄弟的血;现在你必从这地受咒诅。你种地,地不再给你效力;你必流离飘荡在地上。” {3SG 48.2}[4]
The angel inquires of him the reason of his anger, and informs him that if he does well, and follows the directions God has given, he will accept him and respect his offering. But if he will not humbly submit to God’s arrangements, and believe and obey him, he cannot accept his offering. The angel tells Cain that it was no injustice on the part of God, or partiality shown to Abel; but that it was on[4]
人对咒诅初次临到地上的影响尚觉和缓;但如今地竟受了双重的咒诅。该隐和亚伯代表两等人,就是义人与恶人,信的人和不信的人。从人类堕落一直到基督复临,都必有这两等人存在。该隐杀害他的兄弟亚伯,代表恶人因为义人比他们更好,故此嫉妒并仇恨他们。恶人要嫉妒义人,并且逼迫他们,置他们于死地,因为义人所行的义显明他们罪恶行径的不是。{3SG 50.1}[5]
account of his own sin, and disobedience of God’s express command, why he could not respect his offering—and if he would do well he would be accepted of God, and his brother should listen to him, and he should take the lead, because he was the eldest. But even after being thus faithfully instructed, Cain did not repent. Instead of censuring and abhorring himself to his unbelief, he still complains of the injustice and partiality of God. And in his jealousy and hatred he contends with Abel and reproaches him. Abel meekly points out his brother’s error, and shows him that the wrong is in himself. But Cain hates his brother from the moment that God manifests to him the tokens of his acceptance. His brother Abel seeks to appease his wrath by contending for the compassion of God in saving the lives of their parents, when he might have brought upon them immediate death. He tells Cain that God loved them, or he would not have given his Son, innocent and holy, to suffer the wrath which man by his disobedience deserved to suffer. While Abel justifies the plan of God, Cain becomes enraged and his anger increases and burns against Abel, until in his rage he slays him. God inquires of Cain for his brother, and Cain utters a guilty falsehood, “I know not; am I my brother’s keeper?” God informs Cain that he knew in regard to his sin—that he was acquainted with his every act, and even the thoughts of his heart, and says to him, “Thy brother’s?blood crieth unto me from the ground. And now art thou cursed from the earth which hath opened her mouth to receive thy brother’s blood from thy hand. When thou tillest the ground, it shall not henceforth yield unto thee her strength. A fugitive and a vagabond shalt thou be in the earth.”{3SG 48.2}[5]
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