12月6日 挪亚建方舟
Build an Ark, Noah, December 6
“你要用歌斐木造一只方舟”(创6:14)。[1]{FH 352.1}
Make yourself an ark of gopherwood.Genesis 6:14.{FH 352.1}[1]
自从亚当初次犯罪以来,在多么短的时间内罪恶就象大麻风一样滋长漫延。滋长乃是罪的特征。罪恶象传染病一样代代相传。憎恨上帝的律法及其结果——憎恨一切良善,成为普遍的现象。世界虽然被造不久,可是罪恶在初次引进之后就迅速滋长,直到泛滥全地。创造人类并用祂慷慨的手厚赐祂美意福惠的上帝,被领受祂恩赐的人轻看藐视了。……虽然罪人忘了他们慈善的恩主,上帝却没有轻看他们,厌弃他们,任他们在他们的暴力和罪行中灭亡。祂把他们的邪恶及违背祂律法的结果摆在他们面前,把警告和恳劝的信息传给他们。……[2]{FH 352.2}
In how short a time from the first sin of Adam did sin increase and spread like the leprosy. It is the nature of sin to increase. From generation to generation sin has spread like a contagious disease. Hatred of God’s law and—as the sure result—hatred of all goodness became universal. The world was in its infancy, yet after sin was first introduced, it soon became fearful in its proportions until it deluged the world. God, who created mankind and gave them with an unsparing hand the bounties of His providence, was slighted and despised by the recipients of His gifts.... But notwithstanding sinners forgot their benevolent Benefactor, God did not slight and turn away from them and leave them to perish in their violence and crime without setting before them their wickedness and the result of the transgression of His law. He sent them messages of warning and entreaty....{FH 352.2}[2]
上帝虽被男男女女所轻看所羞辱,祂仁厚的爱和善行也被他们滥用,但祂仍怜悯人类,本着祂的爱心为凡愿意接受的人提供了避难所。祂指示挪亚建一座方舟,同时向世上的居民传讲上帝将要使洪水汜滥全地,毁灭恶人。他们若愿相信这信息,藉着悔罪改过为那件事做准备,就会得到赦免和拯救。上帝若不警告人类干犯祂律法的结果,就不会从他们收回祂的灵。……[3]{FH 352.3}
God, whom men and women had slighted and dishonored and whose gracious love and benevolence they had abused, still pitied the race and in His love provided a refuge for all who would accept it. He directed Noah to build an ark and at the same time preach to the inhabitants of the world that God would bring a flood of waters upon the earth to destroy the wicked. If they would believe the message and prepare for that event by repentance and reformation, they should find pardon and be saved. God did not remove His Spirit from the human race without warning them of the sure result of their course in transgressing His law....{FH 352.3}[3]
上帝的灵继续恳劝悖逆的人,直到上帝所定的时候即将来到,于是挪亚和他的家人就进入了方舟,上帝的手关闭了方舟的门。怜悯走下了黄金的宝座,不再为人类代求了。[4]{FH 352.4}
The Spirit of God continued to strive with the rebellious until the time God had specified had nearly expired, when Noah and his family entered the ark and the hand of God closed the door of the ark. Mercy had stepped from the golden throne, no longer to intercede for mankind.{FH 352.4}[4]
尽管上帝在用祂圣灵的感动吸引罪人归祂自己,但罪人在背叛中还是在远离上帝,继续拒绝无限慈爱的恳求。挪亚在世人中屹然而立。世人则漠视上帝,沉湎于诸般导致各样罪行和强暴的奢侈放荡之中。……挪亚藉着顺从与上帝联络,与世人形成了对照,给世人留下了何等深刻的印象!——《时兆》,1877年12月20日。[5]{FH 352.5}
Notwithstanding God was working to draw sinners to Himself by the conviction of His Holy Spirit, they in their rebellion were drawing away from God and continually resisting the pleadings of infinite love. Noah stood up nobly in the midst of a world who were disregarding God and were indulging in all manner of extravagant dissipation which led to crimes and violence of every kind.... What a spectacle to the world as Noah stands forth connected with God by his obedience, in contrast to the world.—Signs of the Times, December 20, 1877.{FH 352.5}[5]
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