12月8日 忍无可忍
The End of Patience, December 8
“耶和华说:‘人……我的灵就不永远住在他里面”(创6:3)。[1]{FH 354.1}
And the Lord said, “My Spirit shall not strive with man forever.”Genesis 6:3.{FH 354.1}[1]
挪亚时代的人并不都是真实完全的异教拜偶像者。……自称认识上帝的那班人发挥了最大的影响力,带头拒绝上帝藉挪亚对他们所说的话。他们不仅自己拒绝了那忠心传义道者的信息,还象他们的老师魔鬼一样,想方设法尽力阻止别人相信和顺从上帝。……挪亚在发出那世代即将遭受毁灭的警告时,正是他们有机会和特权可以有得救智慧的日子。但他们把自己的心交给撒但控制而不交给上帝。撒但就欺骗他们,象欺骗了我们的始祖一样。……[2]{FH 354.2}
In Noah’s day all people were not in the fullest sense heathen idolaters.... The class who professed a knowledge of God were the ones who had the greatest influence and took the lead in making of none effect His word spoken to them by Noah. They not only rejected the message of the faithful preacher of righteousness themselves, but like their master the devil they sought every means in their power to prevent others from believing and being obedient to God.... While Noah was sounding the note of warning of the coming destruction of that generation, was their day of opportunity and privilege to become wise unto salvation. But they gave their minds to the control of Satan rather than God, and he deceived them as he did our first parents....{FH 354.2}[2]
洪水以前的人认为,多少世纪以来自然律一向是固定不变的。春夏秋冬,循环不息。江河从来没有涨过水,总是安然地流入大海。有固定的命令使江河的水不致涨出两岸。但是这些擅长辩论的人却没有在这些定律中看出上帝的手段,因为祂曾为诸水定界限,说:“你只可到这里,不可越过”(伯38:11)。……正如现代的人一样,他们推论说,自然界的本身是超乎自然界之上帝的;自然界的定律是稳定的,就是上帝也不能改变它。他们认为如果挪亚所传的消息是可靠的,那么,自然界就必越出常轨了。所以他们在世人面前宣传说,上帝的信息乃是无稽之谈,是一种最大的欺骗。……[3]{FH 354.3}
The world before the Flood reasoned that for centuries the laws of nature had been fixed. The recurring seasons had come in their order. The rivers and brooks had never yet passed their boundaries but had borne their waters safely to the proud sea. Fixed decrees had kept the waters from overflowing their banks. But these reasons did not recognize the Hand that had stayed the waters, saying, thus far shalt thou go and no farther.... They reasoned then as people reason now, as though nature was above the God of nature, and her ways were so fixed that God Himself could not change them, thus making in the minds of the world God’s messages of warning a delusion, a grand deception, reasoning that if the message of Noah was correct, nature would be turned out of her course of order....{FH 354.3}[3]
挪亚时代的人类不愿受上帝圣灵的感动;我们的时代也一样。耶稣在祂的主张和言论中承认《创世记》是灵感之言。许多人虽承认《新约》是上帝默示的,却不怎么尊重旧约圣经。然而这两大部书是不能分开的。受圣灵感动撰写《新约》的使徒们不断地让查考的人想起旧约圣经。基督把现在和将来所有世代之人的心都带到《旧约》。祂提到挪亚是真实存在的人。祂提到洪水是历史的事实。祂说明那个世代的特征正是现在的特征。真理和生命的主已预先看到人们对《旧约》的疑问,便宣布它是上帝默示的。——《时兆》,1877年12月20日。[4]{FH 354.4}
Human nature in Noah’s day, uninfluenced by the Spirit of God, is the same in our age. Jesus in His assertions and representations recognizes Genesis as the words of inspiration. Many admit the New Testament to be divine, while they show no special regard for the Old Testament Scriptures; but these two grand books cannot be divorced. Inspired apostles who wrote the New Testament are continually carrying back the minds of the searchers of Scriptures to the Old. Christ carries the minds of all generations, present and future, to the Old Testament. He refers to Noah as a literal person who lived; He refers to the Flood as a fact in history; He shows the specification of that generation as characteristic of this age. The Truth and Life has anticipated the questioning and doubts of men and women in regard to the Old Testament by pronouncing it divine.—Signs of the Times, December 20, 1877.{FH 354.4}[4]
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