四月十三日 基督——生命的粮
Christ, the Bread of Life, April 13
He that believeth on me hath everlasting life. I am that bread of life. Your fathers did eat manna in the wilderness, and are dead. This is the bread which cometh down from heaven, that a man may eat thereof, and not die. I am the living bread which came down from heaven: if any man eat of this bread, he shall live for ever: and the bread that I will give is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world. John 6:47-51. {TDG 112.1}
有人问,我们当行什么,才算做上帝的工呢?我们当做什么,才能得到天国呢?主已经向凡想要知道的人回答了这个重要的问题:“信上帝所差来的,这就是做上帝的工”(约6:29)。……“因为上帝的粮就是那从天上降下来、赐生命给世界的。”“我就是生命的粮。到我这里来的,必定不饿;信我的,永远不渴”(约6:35)。{TDG 112.1}
The question is asked, What shall we do that we might work the works of God? What shall we do to gain heaven? This important question is answered to all who desire to know, “This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent” (John 6:29).... “For the bread of God is he which cometh down from heaven, and giveth life unto the world” (verse 33). “I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst” (verse 35). {TDG 112.2}
基督使他们明白,一个人需要受上帝教导才能领会这些事。这就是今日的各教会中有那么多廉价圣经知识的原因。传道人们只讲部分圣经,还不肯实行他们教导的那些。这导致对圣道和教义的误解,造成错误和对圣经的曲解。……{TDG 112.2}
Christ gives them to understand that a man needs to be taught of God in order to comprehend these things. This is the cause of so much cheap knowledge of the Scriptures in the churches of today. Ministers preach only portions of the Word, and refuse to practice even as much as they teach. This leads to misconceptions of the Word and doctrine, it creates error and misinterpretations of the Scripture.... {TDG 112.3}
我们或可藉着人的教导,清楚地看到真理,但惟有上帝能教导人心得救地领受真理,这意味着把永生的话语领受到诚实善良的心里。主正耐心地等待着,要指教每一个乐意受教的人。错不在于那位乐意施教的教师——那位有史以来最伟大的教师,而在于持守自己的感想和理念,不愿放弃自己人为的理论而开始谦卑受教的学习者。他不愿让自己的良心和内心受教育、管事和训练——如农夫种地和建筑师造楼一样受造就。……{TDG 112.3}
We may be taught by man to see the truth clearly, but God alone can teach the heart to receive the truth savingly, which is to receive the Words of eternal life into good and honest hearts. The Lord is waiting patiently to instruct every willing soul who will be taught. The fault is not with the willing Instructor, the greatest Teacher the world ever knew, but it is with the learner who holds to his own impressions and ideas, and will not give up his human theories and come in humility to be taught. He will not allow his conscience and his heart to be educated, disciplined, and trained—worked as the husbandman works the earth, and as the architect constructs the building.... {TDG 112.4}
每一个人都需要依照上帝的样式受造就、铸模和成型。我亲爱的年幼与年长的朋友们,基督告诉你们永恒的真理:“你们若不吃人子的肉,不喝人子的血,就没有生命在你们里面” (约6:53)。{TDG 112.4}
Everyone needs to be worked, molded, and fashioned after the divine similitude. Christ tells you, my dear friends, young and old, the everlasting truth, “Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you” (verse 53). {TDG 112.5}
你若不靠接受基督话作你的顾问,就不会彰显祂的智慧或祂属灵的生命。(《信函》1900年第88号,4月13日,致埃文代尔学校的教职员){TDG 112.5}
If you do not take Christ’s word as the man of your counsel, you will not reveal His wisdom or His spiritual life.—Letter 88, April 13, 1900, to the managers and teachers in the Avondale School. {TDG 112.6}
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