四月十八日 与上帝不断交往
Constant Communion With God, April 18
Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh. Matthew 24:44. {TDG 117.1}
我相信我们已经到达永恒世界的边境,同时我也正在力求保持与上帝的经常交往。我非常重视永恒的生命,也没有什么能使我与上帝的爱隔绝。我要不住地教导并训练我的心灵依靠基督,从基督那里吸收属灵的力量。上帝定意要我们根据经验获得有关基督的知识,然后我们就可能为上帝作忠实的证人,藉着自觉和不自觉的感化力,在言行上证明基督的恩惠。{TDG 117.1}
I believe we are on the very borders of the eternal world, and I am seeking to keep in constant communion with God. I prize eternal life and nothing shall separate me from the love of God. I want constantly to educate and train my soul to lean on Christ, to draw spiritual strength from Christ. God intends that we shall have an experimental knowledge of Christ, then we can be faithful witnesses for God, testifying of the grace of Christ in words and actions, by conscious and unconscious influence. {TDG 117.2}
我担心,非常地担心:许多参加上帝圣工的青年并不认识我的救主。当我想到上帝为堕落之人所正在进行的工作时,我便惊奇得出神;上帝竟然选择可怜的堕落了的世人,赐予他们道德的能力,好在他们里面有祂恩典的运行,使品格得以变化,并使人准备妥当,适合住在上帝为他们预备的住处,他们是配侍立在上帝面前,配和天使作伴,并与上帝保持交往的人。唉我的心是多么地渴望自己也成为那班在更新的大地与耶稣基督同行之人中的一个啊!……{TDG 117.2}
I fear, greatly fear, that many of the youth connected with the work of God do not know my Saviour. When I think of the work that God is doing for fallen man, I am lost in wonder that God will take poor, fallen beings and bring to them moral power, that there will be the internal workings of His grace, transforming the character and making men fit for the mansions God is preparing for them—beings fitted for the presence of God, fitted to be companions with angels, and to hold communion with God. Oh, how my heart yearns to be one who shall walk with Jesus Christ in the earth made new.... {TDG 117.3}
我们现在的终身事业,应当是为永恒作准备。我们不晓得还有多久,我们今世的终身事业就要结束,而且我们这卑贱有罪的劣根性,是多么必要地需要予以克服,使我们得以与基督的形像相似。我们没有一刻可以浪费的时间了。我们每天都需要为永恒作准备。我们的有生之年原是赐于我们追求永生恩福的。上帝已经给予我们一段宽容时期,何况,即使我们活到七十岁,但为要作成自己得救的功夫,这段时间该是多么地短促啊!还有,且把这段时期和那与上帝生命等量齐长的生存时期作一比较。我们这受考验作证明的短促时期,随时都会完结。既然这样,我们对于获得在更新的大地住宅的确据,该是多么认真热心啊!……{TDG 117.3}
Our lifework now should be to prepare for eternity. We know not how soon our lifework here may close, and how essential that our low, sinful nature should be overcome, and we conform to the image of Christ. We have not one moment’s time to squander. We need to be daily preparing for eternity. Our lifetime is granted us to seek the boon of eternal life. God has granted us a probation, and, if we live our threescore years and ten, how short is this period to work out our salvation! Then compare this period with the life that measures with the life of God. The short period of our test and proving may end any time. Then how earnest should we be to secure a clear title to a home in the earth made new.... {TDG 117.4}
我所热望的,就是要完成主所交付与我当作的工,不让任何事物使我转离这项工作。……我们必须力求与上帝合而为一。祂所关心的也必须成为我们所关心的。祂的心意计划也必须成为我们的。我们既然晓得上帝对罪人的大爱,和那为拯救行将沦亡之生灵所作的无限牺牲;那么,我们就当在这伟大的事工上与基督联合一致。(《信函》1887年62号,4月18日,致埃德森和艾玛.怀特){TDG 117.4}
My anxiety is to do the work the Master has given me to do and let nothing divert me from this work.... We must seek to be one with God. His interest must be our interest, His sentiments and designs ours. We know the love of God for sinners and the infinite sacrifice that has been made to save perishing souls; then let us unite with Christ in this great work.—Letter 82, April 18, 1887, to Edson and Emma White. {TDG 117.5}
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